Nothing. Fuck ‘em. (Then again, I’m sure my nephews think I’m an asshole. Maybe don’t take my advice.)
I'm pretty sure that you and I are within 2-3 years of each other in age. Assuming that's the case, here's something to keep in mind: you're not important, and you're not terribly interesting. To be clear, I'm not either, and it goes for anyone between the ages of 30 and 50 as far as I'm concerned. You're in that age where kids are the topic of conversation and focus because you and a lot of people around you have them. They're way more interesting than you are, even if they are walking along the same "kid story arch" as most kids. Unless your job is "beer judging masturbator", or you're independently wealthy and spend spare time flying your helicopter, you probably have a pretty basic job, pursue basic hobbies, and are the leading star of the next basic conversation another adult is about to have with you. At this point, I'd rather talk to a really creative 5 year old about a fort they've built from Ikea boxes or play wiffleball with a kid older than mine with some actual hand/eye coordination than spend another second of my life talking to another adult about literally almost anything in most situations these days. If you feel like wallflowering with a beer and your toddler at the BBQ, socially stiff-arming kids who may want to engage, and that's your way of making the time pass until you can go home, maybe the dad-at-the-BBQ improv vignette isn't your scene now. Or your can pick up a ball, call your friend's weirdo kids over, and get a game going so you can wake up the next day feeling like you got into a car accident because you pitched to 8 year olds for 30 min.
Obviously American news teams often pick interviews simply to use themselves. This guy below is the Ne Plus Ultra of them all. If he can’t become a star from an interview, nobody can.
That’s the dude from the frontier airlines video from last week. I’m guessing this is spliced together footage to create another viral video. FAKE. Also the no fun police have already said these news stories are racist and exploit poor African Americans.
I just watched the original 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea from 1916. Captain Nemo looks like a cross between Santa and a Navajo.
Well then you know what we ought to do? Keep black people off the TV/ radio/ interweb. Problem solved. What's that? That's racist too? It's almost like you can't win with these people...
Yeah… we had a high in the low 30’s, but a humidex of 40 today. Crazy heat, but insane humidity. All of the windows in the house have condensation on the outside because the AC is going gang busters. Even the cats are “enough of this shit” and are inside lying on the cold air registers sleeping.