@malisbad ... what is that shit you can buy in the corner stores... the one that says, "hate your job? have one of these... still hate it? have another..." The stuff that you can buy in the local 7/11 that will FUCK YOU UP. I quite liked them. It's like the Japanese equivalent of 4 Loco, but way better tasting.
YES. It was so strong it wiped itself from my memory. I remember buying a 6 pack on the way back to the hotel.. having 1, thinking... "not a big deal"... having another, "meh, same", having another, and "woah, that's fun", and then the 4th was the last thing I remembered for a day and a half.
After my honeymoon in Japan, I got super hooked on highballs. I picked up a bottle of Suntory Toki and used ginger beer instead of soda water. Super tasty, but super dangerous. A tasty boozy cream soda basically. But the ginger beer masks the booze so you can easily down a bunch of them.
I recently got a bottle of this non alcoholic Japanese aperitif called Melati that is honestly so good I’d still drink it even if I was still drinking alcohol. Or maybe mix it with some rum or vodka. Stuff is a combination of super herbal aperitif, along with like a lingering wine taste. They package it with Japanese newspaper. I’d recommend it to anyone, whether you drink alcohol or not.
@Revengeofthenerds has it. Strong zero is a wonderful, delicious, hateful liar who whispers "I was good, wasn't I? Go on. You're a big fella. Have another. You can handle it." Pure fiction. You can't handle it. @bewildered you could be thinking of Umeshu (ume plum infused liquor). I've got some of it brewing in my place right now! There are lots of fruity shochu-based drinks (see strong-zero) and Korean Soju (basically the same) has become popular recently as well.
They were drinking nihonshu a.k.a. Japanese sake Sake is just the general word for alcohol, so you generally have to specify.
This is correct! I'll admit it's kind of weird, but it makes sense when you think about how the word is exported. If you say "sake" outside of Japan, you 100% mean Japanese sake. Anything with alcohol here is labelled with a circle that says (お酒) on it, which is osake. The "o" is just something that makes it polite.
Binged the "Sandman" on Netflix on Friday, with a pair of 20mg edibles. It's a pretty good show, upon rewatch, and I'd thoroughly recommend it. That, some lovely fornication, air-fried steak and visiting with friends has made for a fantastic vacation. Back to the grind tomorrow, I'm afraid, but it's been fantastic. I remember drinking sake in college, and it was one of the more prodigious hangovers I'd experienced up until that point, only to be surpassed by guaro.
Just got back from a 6 hour road trip (took mom up to see Dad's grave site to leave him some flowers), and am now about to sit down with a nice bottle of Rum (Plantation's Barbados 2014), and watch a couple of these before I pass out for the night. It's crazy hot/humid here right now... humidex of 41°C. Crazy high humidity and high temps are my nemesis... unless I'm on a beach, under an umbrella, drinking blender drinks. Thank god the AC is working like a champ.
One of my favorite stories from when my husband spent a few months in Japan is that they were drinking these cheap cartons of sake knowing full well it wasn't GOOD, but not realizing until someone took pity on them that they were drinking cooking wine. He was on a "tour" playing a handful of dive bars with a band that needed a drummer, also getting in trouble for busking with a mandolin and miraculously not getting in trouble for cheating at poker. All good choices, clearly.
I love (non-sarcastically) how judgmental the Japanese are about foreigners. My buddies and I spent a ton of money at a sushi restaurant in Tokyo and we just kept ordering more food and sake. The chef just kept giving us a side-eye like, “What the fuck is wrong with these guys?”
I would love to spend a season in Tokyo, and another season in rural Japan. I can't even wrap my head around how huge and busy Tokyo is, my head would be on a nonstop swivel.
Have y'all seen these arm boxing videos? So entertaining. If not, just type in "tiktok @armboxing_official" in Google and enjoy. It's like a people-sized thumb war.
The amount of racism and shit is way overblown. It's like when you see posts around a sign that says "Japanese only" and some people lose their shit. You poke your head in and it's "we only speak Japanese".
Chinese people hated the Japanese (for obvious reasons) but also looked down on Koreans something fierce. Each had their own pecking order.
I bought some barefoot brand fizzy cherry wine drinks that were on clearance at Wally world. Might have to crack it open early today. Pooping downstairs, duck and garden stuff for awhile outside, then day drinking with the TV on loud. All to avoid hearing lurid details of my Mil's divorce that she is discussing on the phone at the kitchen table. I believe it is partially for my benefit. Nooooo thank you. Count me out.