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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by bewildered, Aug 4, 2023.

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  1. greybeard

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    Dec 10, 2009
    Perth Western Australia
    What I don't understand is people at the gym, ok I don't understand the whole gym thing, effectively use their muscles to move weights. So why isn't it just as effective to be a few pounds overweight and just get up out of your chair, walk to the fridge and grab a beer then walk back sit down and drink it? You're lifting weight, moving weight and hydrating!
    I'll let you know how it pans it, if I stop posting then my experiment may have been a failure but feel free to join in, the more samples the better.
  2. SouthernIdiot

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 24, 2017
    A lot of people are being misled about the connection between being fat and medical problems. There's a whole community that swears all the medical problems are caused by "fatphobia". Look up HAES (health at every size).

    I do feel sorry for them and part of the problem is caused by people being assholes to them in public. Don't call people names, it damn well doesn't help them. But the encouragement to keep being fat is deadly misinformation and needs to stop.
  3. malisbad

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    Town Drunk

    Mar 25, 2020
    Yea, that was not a good scene. You're a sweaty guy, but this was off the charts. I disagree with the lack of good A/C, but most office buildings/etc. are tagged in at about 28 degrees because it captures that intersection of "colder than outside"/dudes being too hot/women being too cold where at least everyone is equally unhappy, but glad they aren't out in the heat. Also, electricity is ~28c/kWh.

    Re: the fat shit. It's dumb. Excluding psychological complications that can made not eating too much too difficult for someone to surmount, losing weight is only a matter of reduction in food intake. You want proof? Look at every other animal, look at our pets, and look at the way that every pet owner can stop their pets from being overweight. Reduce the amount of food you give them. It also cures a lot of a pet's health problems.

    It's important to note that it's an absolute. If you hit maintenance calories every day, but you take in 3,500 extra once a quarter at a drinking party, then you're +2kg that year. 10 years of that and you're +20kg. I was 93kg when I arrived in Japan 5 years ago and I'm 106kg now. That's a 91,000 calorie surplus. Each kg of fat is ~7,000 calories. Over 5 years that's 50 calories per day over. That's half of a mini-snickers! If you have a mini-snickers every day, no one is gonna be "whoa fatty, better slow down". Weight gain over time is an insidious little shit because it works just as well the opposite way.
  4. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009
    Vast majority of people don't have a single clue what true portion control is. I mean what amount of food it would take to just maintain your weight, your lean body weight, NOT the amount of calories to maintain your fat self. What the amount of food it takes to get to 1800-2000 calories looks like. I was shocked at the physical size of the food I had to eat when I started losing weight. It was tiny. Like the dietician in Super Size Me said, meat portions the size of a deck of playing cards. This isn't starving yourself this is just maintaining your body to live we are talking about.

    On top of this is the type of food we eat. Tons of processed carbs, that spike blood sugar, and drive cravings for food even though youre already full. Shit sodas alone. It's really not hard at all to see how obesity is out of control. Not to dunk or be mean spirited but this new orthodoxy they are trying to push that it's out of people's control because of genetics is bullshit. 100 years ago we had the same genetics we do now. Even if they had genetically slow metabolisms in 1923 you were busting your ass 18 hours a day not to starve. Vast majority of human history we lived like this. The only difference is we've now had 3 generations with over processed foods and bad eating habits passed on to the successive generations. Puts people with bad genetics behind the 8 ball having parents that passed on shit eating habits. THAT is the cycle that needs to be broken. You cut that out and youd see it revert back to baseline in the same timeframe. There is just no easy way to do that.

    On a lighter note:
  5. Revengeofthenerds

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    ER Frequent Flyer Platinum Member

    Feb 26, 2011
    First week of marathon training in the books. Wanna be able to eat whatever the fuck you want? Get into serious distance running. I have to average about 3500 calories a day currently. That number is likely to increase.
  6. GTE

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    I think food manufactures should also be more realistic about true serving sizes. According to the bag, this is one serving of granola cereal. (DirecTV remote for scale). It took four servings to make what I'd consider a normal sized bowl of cereal.

    Also find it amusing what we learn about our internet friends. Apparently Nett is a sweaty dude.

    Attached Files:

  7. Aetius

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    You ever watch clips from old film reels of a high school gym class in like the 1950s? Every single kid has visible abs and defined triceps. Just from a different diet/exercise lifestyle.
  8. Nettdata

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    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    Also totally different food supply chain.

    My mom talks about getting an orange as a special holiday treat at Christmas because they were so rare.

    We now have tons of food from around the world that we can buy relatively cheaply 24 hours a day.

    Combine that with "corn sugars in all the things" and food chemistry, food itself is different these days.
  9. SouthernIdiot

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 24, 2017
    We've created processed foods that hyperpalatable, which causes us to overeat and crave foods that aren't good for us. It's a problem.
  10. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009
    That's the thing though. THAT IS A TRUE SINGLE SERVING SIZE. Your expectation of what constitutes a serving size is what is off kilter. One thing we've forgotten in the past 50 years is how to tolerate even a mild amount of hunger. It's not a bad thing but constantly snacking on terrible foods between meals is even worse. It's one thing I struggle with particularly if people at work bring in stuff they share. Constant drip of calories.

    Remember when it was such a rarity people would pay to see an obese person?

    Sugar of all stripes.

    Sad that it has become so politicized. "Healthy at any size!" "Michelle Obama can't tell my kid not to eat brownies at school!" "It's right wing to preach physical fitness!" "Ill drink 4 liters of Mnt Dew a day if I want!" It's all going to cause a collapse of the healthcare system eventually if it isn't turned around.
  11. GTE

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Agreed, but I was trying to say that they should change the calorie amount to match what we think is a serving. Don't tell us that it's only 175 calories per serving of Doritos knowing full well people are going to eat the entire small bag which is "four" servings.
  12. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009

    Ive seen a lot more packaging doing just that, tallying the single serving and full container. Dont know if it is an FDA requirement as it doesn't seem to be on everything. Might be a space issue. Should just show total calories and then say "a single serving is 1/6th or a 1/4th of the container." I really splurge on bad stuff every couple of months. When I do I dont care but it is eye opening to see a total pint of ice cream's total calories.
  13. bewildered

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    Deeply satisfied pooper

    Oct 26, 2009
    I've noticed that on 20oz soda bottles. I'm not sure if it's just Coke products or not. A column for nutrition per serving, and a column for per bottle.

    Thing is, @GTE (not picking on you), granola for example is SUPPOSED to be hyper caloric. It's densely caloric food you're supposed to be able to pack and go be physical while having access to lightweight calories on your person.

    And yeah, the easy to access food has way changed over the last couple generations. I won't repeat it but totally agree with @Nettdata and @SouthernIdiot .

    I have done strict calorie counting with a food scale before and it is indeed eye opening. If you want to stay within a calorie deficit (bmr calculators are also eye opening), you really have to eat real food and fairly simply, or you feel like you're starving. Doing that also kind of broke the sugar addiction thing a bit, and taught me to be more cognizant of how it all works together. How I'm feeling, how that food is going to make me feel, what is satiation.

    My personal hurdle is comfort binging at night, usually hand in hand with feelings of depression. Winter fucking sucks. I get episodic bouts of it too over other things but the seasonal depression just clings on and on.
  14. Nettdata

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    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    When it comes to eating, I eat crazy healthy. I cook all my own food, 90% of the time, with very fresh ingredients, no preservatives, with lots of veggies, etc.

    So much so that my cardiologist was amazed at how low my cholesterol was, and when they did an investigatvie angiogram on me, expecting to have to do some work on my heart (when I was in the cardiac ward for a week while they were trying to figure out what was going on), they basically inserted the camera, looked around, and pulled it right out... no plaque to be removed, no damage.

    The problem is that I eat too much, and drink too much, and don't move enough. Plain and simple. The inability to breathe made it too easy to not move/exercise as much as I need to, and made it easy to indulge more in food and drink. Combine that with my ability to make really, REALLY tasty food, and a wine fridge full of fantastic wine, and it's a recipe for disaster.

    Now that I've done the cardiac stress tests, my heart exams have come back normal, I'm on beta blockers, statins, etc, I'm cleared to exercise as much as I can, so I'm working on building my cardio and muscle tone back up.

    I'm also now tracking my weight, heart rates, o2 sat,s blood pressures constantly and working with the cardiac rehab team (that includes nutritionists, physiotherapists, etc) to achieve my fitness/weight goals.

    It's made me hyper aware of what's going on with my body now, for the first time ever, really.

    It was quite an eye opener 2 weeks ago when I had a HUGE craving for spicy Caesars... I think I drank 1.5L of clamato juice in an afternoon (never mind the vodka). Holy shit did I feel/measure the effects of that. I think I ingested 9 days worth of salt from that Clamato juice, and I gained 5kg's overnight. Soooo much salt, so much water retention, so much of an impact to my health. It took 3 days for my weight to come back down to normal as the salt got processed and the liquid got released. Fucking crazy.

    I wish I knew at the age of 20 what I now at the age of 54. I wish they did a better job of educating people about this shit when I was in school.
  15. bewildered

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    Deeply satisfied pooper

    Oct 26, 2009
    I'm glad I learned it fairly early on. Not that I don't struggle...but I can cook really nutritious food and have pretty solid knowledge of general nutrition. My parents (well, mom was feeding us, but the lessons and advice from both bleed together), were depression era kids, and the lessons she learned to survive are not lessons you should follow for daily normal living.

    I don't harp on it, but I talk to my 3 year old about it. Lil' B knows the word satiate, and I talk about the type of macros and nutrients in the food being eaten and how maybe we can't have that kind of food right now because we need to eat something with protein and fat instead. I sure hope my kid doesn't struggle with this stuff like so many others do.
    #35 bewildered, Aug 5, 2023
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2023
  16. Rush-O-Matic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 11, 2009
    Yeah, and read the book Wheat Belly, (and others) if you're interested in how the goal of solving hunger changed the type of seed head and wheat we have.
  17. walt

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    I spent years in my previous job helping countless people lose weight. I myself lost 40# and vowed to never get back to that weight again. ( At my heaviest I was 297. )

    Keeping that weight off has been an absolute motherfucker, and I haven’t completely been able to. Even knowing what to do, it’s a lot harder for me to lose even a couple pounds when I hit my “Oh HELL no” number.

    I’ve been overweight my whole life, and I hate it. Man what I wouldn’t give to be able to buy more cool clothes off the rack in the stores. So I keep at it. And I won’t stop trying, if only to not die as young as my grandfathers did ( 47 and 55 ) and Dad nearly did when he was my age (49).

    It’s a struggle.
  18. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    I make one fatphobia joke to Crown and this is what happens?
  19. malisbad

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    Town Drunk

    Mar 25, 2020
    I find the *phobia designation to be pretty annoying. You can't just not like something, it's a phobia.
  20. Nettdata

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    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    Go choke on some Hákarl ya bastard.
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