I don’t just find it annoying, it really pisses me off. The concept that one is afraid of something just because they dislike it is juvenile. I’m not afraid of soccer, pistachio ice cream or drag shows, I just have no interest in them.
I honestly thought the obesity hate was gonna get some backlash here. Instead it’s sparked some really interesting conversation. y’all stupid fucks always surprise me
yeah funny how that is. Last night my wife and I ended up at a bar, met our golf pro there who is dangerously single and I had to do the wingman thing for a bit. It was weird to realize that my wife and I were the older ones at 34/35
A quick comment on eating in the evening, or overeating in general. My only fix for it has been restricted eating, like the smallest version of intermittent fasting. I just live life on a 16:8. It's nothing but water, tea or black coffee unless it's between 11 am and 7 pm. It fits me fine, I don't even think about it now....it just IS. I know it sounds boring, and you might have a few grumpy weeks as you acclimate, but it is basically just skipping breakfast and not snacking after dinner. My trick from early IF days was to brush my teeth soon after dinner. For some reason it signaled me that I was done with food for the night. Another easy thing to quell hunger as you adjust to this is a shot of apple cider vinegar. Instantly not hungry. Anyway, just sharing. When combined with appropriate nutrition, and caloric levels, it can really help.
Anyone seen the Barbie movie? It just broke $1B worldwide, and yet here I am over here with zero desire or motivation or interest to see it... ever. Am I missing something?
I saw it. It was entertaining and worth a watch but doesn't have to be a "must see" in theatres IMO Recently watched Super Mario Bros and thought that was better
Haven't seen it yet but I'll watch it when it comes to streaming. It just feels like the kind of movie that's half a fever dream and the actors had a shitload of fun making. Also going to watch Oppenheimer, despite it ruining my Hollywood screenwriting dreams (I was working on a treatment for a Chernobyl-style limited series about the Manhattan Project when it was announced that Nolan was making an Oppenheimer biopic that would suck all the air out of the topic for many years).
Well. This is being partly exacerbated by the profit-driven medical system who is shrugging off all kinds of people (this especially happens to women). Fat people should, absolutely, lose weight in order to reduce medical problems. But doctors and other practitioners are spending less and less time evaluating patients, and dismissing some classes of people as, "this isn't really a health problem, it's just because you're [fat, anxious, having a period, etc.]." Did you know that women with heart attack symptoms routinely get sent home with a diagnosis of anxiety or panic attack, only to find out that they were actually having a goddamn heart attack? So a lot of fat people aren't wrong when they say they're not getting good healthcare and instead getting shoved off as, just lose weight. And it's being used by other fat people to justify their obesity because look at that guy over there who had cancer and the doc told him it was just because he was fat. It's wrong, but I do think it's important to know that large swaths of the population are having legitimate medical concerns dismissed because they belong to some cohort that practitioners aren't examining with care. Edit: I know this belongs in the Serious Thread.
I know women routinely have medical problems dismissed by the medical community especially in regards to reproductive issues (pain during menstruation etc.) and that's awful. And yes, doctors should not dismiss all problems people bring up as weight related. There was an episode of "House" that addressed that. But, stating that diabetes, heart issues, liver problems just to name a few are not related to obesity is insane. HAES is awful misinformation.
Obviously. Just pointing out that there is a widespread problem in the medical industry that is helping to support these crazy people. On a less serious note, I will absolutely watch the Barbie movie just because it looks slightly insane and fun.
this is definitely the vibe. I enjoyed it but also I feel like I’m pretty well within the target demographic. Most of the hate I’ve seen about it is targeted at it being “too woke” , not being “smart” enough, or being too chaotic/disjointed. It’s a movie about Barbie with wacky dance scenes and some jabs at the patriarchy and gender norms. It’s funny, and as far as I’m concerned people take themselves and the media they consume a little too seriously. I can also see how it might just not appeal much to people who don’t share a lot of those cultural touchstones. In other news, I went to the doctor about trying to have another baby since I am a person who needs drugs to get pregnant. They told me to go away and come back after I wean my toddler, but maybe lose some weight in the mean time. My BMI is hovering close to 25, so the top end of “normal”, but not pregnant I have weighed 15 lbs more and 40 lbs less than I do now (hello eating disorder!) and have never had regular periods, so that bitch can kick rocks.
Maybe you can make it your Dante's Peak to their Volcano. It's what Im hoping for with the new Napoleon film by Ridley Scott and the announced HBO limited series Steven Spielberg is producing from Stanley Kubrick's unrealized script. Be nice if big budget dramas, like Oppenheimer, make a comeback at theaters so we don't have to watch Marvel movies until we die.
I don’t know a single person who wanted to see, or saw the second Avatar movie. Never saw an ad for it, or heard any talk online about it, yet it still grossed over 1.5 billion. So with all the hype over barbie I can see it easily getting over a billion without men past middle age having motivation or desire to see it. I mean if I wanted to see Margot Robbie’s feet again I can rewatch Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.
Yeah I’m not in the Barbie demo at all. I’m not hearing anything that would make me want to go out and see it. I wanted to see Avatar 2 in the theaters but lazed out. I like Cameron and he puts on great spectacles best seen in theaters. Sort of the same reason I saw Oppenheimer.
Anyone else deep into the lore of that all-time ass whoopin' in Alabama? The Rumble on the River? The Brawl over the Boat? The Melee near the Waterway?