WTF indeed. Holy WTF. "Decapitation" seems like the wrong word to describe "pulling the baby's head so hard that it pulled it off and we had to do an emergency c-section to remove the rest of the baby from the mother." Then the hospital's attempt to hide that. WTF indeed. Enough of the internet for tonight.... time to go drink.
My father is rolling over in his grave. Random fathers used to stop my dad walking through the mall and thank him for taking such good care of their wife. This whole story disgusts me. I hope they award a massive settlement to the family, and that none of the doctors, nurses and administrators are ever allowed to work in healthcare again. Idiots like that doctor and those nurses are why my father paid such high malpractice insurance.
I wish I could say I was shocked, but after 25 years in medicine, I’m not. “Hey doc, you gonna shock this guy?” “That’s just the heart dying.” “Yeah it’s gonna if you don’t shock it.” ( Patient didn’t stand a chance, but still…) Some doctors, nurses, etc. are out there,still putting the “practice” in “practicing medicine.”
That’s the most fucked up shit I’ve read in a while. Was this one of those “hospitals” that does butt fillers with cemen or something?
Things I wish I could unread for a gazillion Alex I will not click on that link to learn more details, but based on the information Net posted, I would've turned into Denzel Washington Man on Fire-Keyser Soze in that hospital