The ones with the bottle under the sink are such a pain in the ass. I replaced it for aesthetic reasons, but I use my kitchen sink to wash my hands a lot in the current house, and it just isn't going to work out. I might buy a cheapo replacement when I'm looking to sell the place, but I'm done with the effort for now. The secret to wiping is taking at least one leg out of your pants. If you're pooping in your own home, there is absolutely no reason to wipe with your ankles held together by fabric shackles.
so last thursday I got 100% cleared from the specialist to resume normal activity, pending my physical therapist. Today she had me run for 5 minutes up a 10% incline -- first time in almost 3 months I've done more than a fast walk -- and do a bunch of jumping on the (formerly) broken and torn leg, then cleared me to try a run tomorrow. 50/50 chance I further injure myself?
I'd sooner scrub my ass with a fistful of steel wool than be lumped in with you standing wipers. You should be on a neighborhood watch list.
Ya' know....if you wipe standing up a better alternative might be this: Stand, insert paper into your ass crack, holding it firmly in your hand. Be sure to hold your arm steady in one place. Then jump up and down several times. Cardio and (Sort of) wiping all at the same time.
Also, how much wiping momentum is being displayed that would cause the hand to come into contact with the balls?
Are y'all standers like, standing with your butt out? Standing with a leg on the toilet seat? How do you wipe without your butt cheeks getting smeared?
What? I lean forward just a slightly. Im not bending over completely like Im having a poltergeist check my prostate or something.
also update: did a 1.5 mile run, combination of trail and road. No pain yet, but still an adrenaline dump. Did it at a 10 minute pace, which sucks, but considering that my fibula nor the ligaments (LEGaments?) are fully healed, and I'm still shy of 3 months from the injury, I successfully accomplished what the PT asked me to try out. And now I can put an end to the "injury" chapter with covid and the leg shit and start the recovery phase.
I think the weirdest part of this endless debate is that neither side understands exactly what the other side does to wipe their ass.
I don't see what's so hard to understand. You stand, squatting slightly, using one hand to spread your cheeks and the other to hold the electric toothbrush.