I'd prefer more large holes and more chances at making them, rather than a hand cannon that may or may not hit what I'm aiming at under extreme duress. In Texas, with big boars it's prudent to do the same "anchoring" thing if you have a large caliber like a slug, or my 308 for example, and it's moving. Just blast the shoulder blade to stop it, then you can get a better shot. It's usually gonna take a few hits anyway. Realistically though, if push comes to shove with a bear, I'm just gonna pray the fresh shit in my pants is enough to scare it off.
That, and a bear's head, when charging at you, is an incredibly thick and effective deflection plate for just about any calibre of shot fired at it. If you unload at the head of a charging bear, it'll just piss it off. You need to somehow get to something vulnerable, like the leg, or shoulder, etc.
This bear attack article is fairly representative many of bear attacks. Close range and very fast. I don't care who you are, you're not taking aimed shots and you're extremely unlikely to have a chance to reload until its over; it's point and shoot as soon as the weapon clears the holster and leveled. This guy was lucky. He got off three rounds with a .454 Casull before his weapon jammed (revolvers can jam). This attack occurred in 2009 and there are multiple articles about it. One I read a few months after the encounter happened stated the 3rd and fatal shot entered the roof of the bear's mouth and went into its brain. As Nett said, bear skulls are incredibly thick and can deflect just about any size round...again incredibly lucky.
I completely forgot that Canada's newest patrol ship was doing a loop in the harbour, would of loved to go to the dock and watch it go by.
Here's your bizarro article of the month. Maybe year?? https://www.stripes.com/theaters/us...al-operations-california-airport-3076663.html
That's just sad. Ninja 2, Spec Ops 0. Even worse is this: "About 30 minutes later came a second call via 911: “26 spec op military members doing training at the airport,” the log states. “Hunkered down in a hangar wondering where help is.” If these are our best and they're hiding from one deranged person dressed as a ninja, we're royally fucked if we're attacked by, say, 8 ninjas.
Oh wait. This one might take the cake for weird shit. https://www.iflscience.com/health-a...f-his-anus-for-two-years-before-seeking-help/ So if you're shitting out of your dick, go see a doctor.
We have a secret weapon (skip towards the end) edit- wtf? It's a clip from Spies Like Us. How is that age restricted?