Oh, go down to Jiffy Lube and change your gender fluid....you're like if the great British Baking show was a human being too dumb to commit seppuku.
Man, if anyone studies supply chains and logistics, this has been a wild time to see case studies unfold in real life. Between chips, coffee and now this shit....it's absolutely bonkers.
It's a shit show out there. Loads from Oregon that would normally run me $4800 - $5200 are running $7700 right now and every indication is it's going up. Products ordered for import last August for January delivery are now marked as arriving in June at best. Everything is backed up and while it's frustrating for sure, I'm laughing pretty good about having most of the important ingredients on hand a full year ahead of schedule so the only things I'm missing are gravy.
Wonder if the pirates are going to seize this opportunity. The targets have stopped moving or slowed to a crawl.
It gets better. I just read there's a shortage of shipping containers and they're predicting a run on toilet paper again.
I was thinking that exact same thing right after I posted. Though I'd imagine with so many ships in such close range, if one gets attacked, they'd be hit on all sides from defensive positions as well.
Why can't they just chain several large ships to the ass of this one and yank it off the bank? But, as Ruth so famously said, "I don't know shit about fuck"
purchase. You can go up behind a floating ski boat and push it forward with your pinkie finger. Ram the same ski boat into sand though? Good luck. Water doesn't provide enough purchase for even the largest props in the world to get that tanker un stuck. Same reason it takes forever to get massive ships to stop -- all that weight moving in a low friction environment (relative, I know), and even putting the props full speed in reverse isn't enough to slow it quickly. They'd have an easier time getting it as light as can be and trying to winch it off from something stationary on shore. Though I imagine the fastest route would just be digging under the keel and trying to float it off with tugs.
I hope they make a movie about this where Tom hanks is a tug boat captain charged with getting it moving again. If he fails the Egyptian government will kill is wife. Maybe this is more of a Mel Gibson movie.
If it fails it will star Tom Hanks. However, as soon as they get it moving, Mark Whalberg will take one look at who was responsible for that action and say “That’s fuckin’ ME!!! I’m playing THAT guy!” ...right before he beats some old Asian guy to death with a rock.
This picture and any of the "street view" ones are hilarious. I always assumed the canal was similar to others, with seawalls, and locks, etc. Nope, it's just a trench dug through the sand.
And, they only recently added a second lane. Which begs the question . . . why didn't they add a second lane in this part, too? Maybe the Ever Given didn't have the EZ-Pass.