Even with the cost of materials, prices up here to fix things especially in small towns is pennies. You could probably renovate that whole place top to bottom for about 50-70k.
Yeah, I could do everything except the foundation myself, so that would cut down costs quite a bit. I'd probably farm out the roof too though, the older I get the more I hate working up high.
I came home to 100* plus outside temps, a frozen up house AC, and I was still delighted. Because absolutely FUCK florida weather.
It certainly looks like that was someone's plan. I've seen it with quite a few older houses and it saddens me that someone would do that to a formerly glorious house. Kind of like the one's that were remodeled in the 60's and 70's and the walls have been covered with paneling. Ugh.
So Texas is about to get fucked this summer by the same company who ran the power grid which caused the majority of issues during our February snowpocalypse. ERCOT just issued their first warning today to conserve electricity, and this feels way too familiar when they were literally hours away from blowing up our whole grid a few months ago. Fortunately it seems like people caught on early today, but this definitely feels like some enron shit at this point
This is from the town I grew up in...a former rectory that someone fancied themselves a designer while renovating. The asking price is waaaay over the median for the area: https://www.redfin.com/PA/Connellsv...=share&utm_source=web_share&utm_campaign=copy Some old houses in the surrounding area: https://www.redfin.com/PA/Uniontown...=share&utm_source=web_share&utm_campaign=copy https://www.redfin.com/PA/Uniontown...=share&utm_source=web_share&utm_campaign=copy https://www.redfin.com/PA/Uniontown...=share&utm_source=web_share&utm_campaign=copy https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/301-E-Green-St-Connellsville-PA-15425/2071127715_zpid/ https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/530-E-Crawford-Ave-Connellsville-PA-15425/53269451_zpid/ https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/29-5th-Ave-Scottdale-PA-15683/10656672_zpid/? There are a lot of late 1800s/ early 1900s Victorian houses in the area in desperate need of a full gut and reno...a little surprised more aren't listed. Believe it or not, my town at one time had more millionaires per capita than anywhere in the US. Then the Great Depression hit.
Texas Republicans (Cruz and Paxton amongst others) were talking shit about California power outages last year. Karma's a bitch I tell ya.
Holy crap on a cracker. I live in a County with fairly low property taxes for Georgia. I would LOVE for them to be as low as $1500.
Fully open now, because we’re not a state where the majority of people think the vaccine will be used to track you. Speaking of said states- did the turbines freeze again?
There are a lot of places all over the northeast with places like this. Small, once booming towns, that are now mostly rural and in disrepair with tons of late 1800's Victorian houses for sale. You really just need to find ones in decent areas and you can get a solidly built house that'll last another 100 years with a little TLC.
On the flip side those towns depress me. Typically they were once booming because of some singular industry in the area. It’s been my job for 30+ years to go and clean up the old plants and factories that once were the economic engines of the area, and are long closed and leaking shit into the ground, rivers, etc. I’ve been through more boarded up downtowns than I like to remember. There are still many beautiful homes and scenic places though, if you can make a go of it.
Same for South Carolina mill villages: https://www.redfin.com/SC/Chester/124-Academy-St-29706/home/52190769 Taxes and labor are far cheaper, but if it's not within a few miles of an interstate, lake, downtown of some kind or near a county seat...it's hard to see where these places will be in 10-15 years. There are a few gems, though: small college towns, historical sites, etc.
@Popped Cherries are there many brick homes in the area? Other than repurposed buildings. Most of the ones you linked are wood and most of the ones I have found are wood, too.
Sorry, this gave me a chuckle. Upstate NY here, and our property taxes are about $2,800 I think for a house and twenty five acres. 20 of those acres are on a separate parcel, taxed at $400 a year. Gospel truth. Our taxes took a very unexpected jump and when I called the assessor to find out why, she noted that we'd recently built an addition on the house. I told her it was 120 additional square feet, not an entire wing. She said I could fight the increase and sent me the paperwork. When I got it, I saw that involved them coming into the house and doing a complete inspection. Fuck. That. Because as soon as they saw we completely renovated and added to our kitchen to the tune of about $55k, are taxes would increase even more. You get penalized for keeping your place looking nice in a lot of places here.