Not us luckily. A couple close by towns or specific neighborhoods were out for a short time but they got the lights back on pretty quick. We seem to be in kind of a bubble here. Most of the really severe weather skirts by. Fortunately there's wasn't a big volume of rain but the little drops stuck to the windshield and screwed with visibility pretty bad. I ran out of windshield wiper fluid just before I arrived home.
I was carrying a spider around in my wallet for an unknown amount of time. I am not ok, I do not like spiders. It was between my IDs, which I don't have to pull out of my wallet very often, not like my credit cards. It was small, light yellowish green in color.
Aww you poor thing. Who ran away faster after the discovery? Was this the little fella? I have an understanding with the spiders in my house. Me and the bold jumping spiders and sac spiders cohabitate peacefully. They are free entertainment, too.
No, pretty sure it was a yellow sac spider. I, too, have an understanding with several spiders. Orb weavers may live on my house and get fat on bugs without fear. I do not want to carry any spider in my pocket. Call me a sissy all you want, don't care.
Psycho-killer Alec Baldwin has been indicted.
It’s incredible how much he embraced being drunk, Irish and miserable. As a movie star, he had EVERYTHING going for him back in the day…