He could. But it’s sad that the only line I’ll ever remember from his stories is “I’ve hit a lot of home runs, but that was my first upper decker.” And I remember it because it is so incredibly dumb.
I was just gonna add that my mother in law only watches and trusts tucker because she thinks he’s handsome. then you mention norm Macdonald and that’s another one on her list. when I was getting my degree in public speaking, there was a reason we were constantly watching and listening to JFK, MLK, Obama, Hitler. regardless of their politics, they could deliver a message through a story
Meh. I never found Tucker special. I came across his stories and saw that he had a message board, so I checked it out. That's where the comedy was, not just the mods, but some of the posters were funny as hell too. I'm not sure anything Tucker ever wrote has made me laugh or even smirk. His supporting cast provided me with countless hours of entertainment though.
Wow this delta 8 is some good shit. Okay story time... I have a cousin who’s claim to fame (infamy in my opinion) is starting that whole “goat yoga” trend. They went on Shark Tank for it. Someone should find it on YouTube. They got rejected even though they took cute live animals on set. So because they were idiots, they barely made any money off it, while every business person looking for a meme business was jumping on it. flash forward to today, and turns out they gave their son’s first name, my family’s last name. In hopes of inheritance. No one is close to dying except maybe me because... well good bet I guess. They shoulda gotten in on the tannerite gender reveals when I did before they were all frowned upon and shit
This show is some of the funniest shit I’ve ever seen. The one where they had Gilbert Gottfried on and they spent 30 minutes ragging on Norm’s sidekick about giving Nazis rimjobs had me on the verge of throwing up from laughing so hard. Howard Stern is moron for not letting these guys on anymore.
Getting derby ready. My mint from last year is popping up nicely. Don’t know if the aged at sea is anything more than marketing hype but this is a smooth bourbon!
I picked up a bottle of Jefferson’s Ocean a couple of years ago. Yes it is good, but yes it’s marketing hype.
I have a bottle of a congac that's aged at sea, while good, riding around on a ship doesn't do anything. Would wager that bourbon was in the next conex over in the hold.
I thought that PhilaLawyer is a vastly superior writer. And I enjoy his book far more than any of Max’s for laughs, storytelling, and wording.
Nah, she's just pining for the fjords. https://www.thedailybeast.com/corps...o-called-cult-love-has-won-led-by-amy-carlson
“Oh alright it’s dead, it’s dead! I didn’t want to be a cult leader anyway. I wanted to be... ...a LUMBERJACK!”
I’ve now got some very specific questions for my family members who keep telling me to take colloidal silver...
I lost almost $20. I bet a total of $260, I won back $242.40. I made this wacky, expensive, longshot bet, the race highlighted in yellow is the only one I missed. I don't usually don't bet like that, a $144 bet is way beyond what I normally wager. $20k would have been nice, though. I also missed a superfecta by only one horse, again. That payout, if I had included Mandaloun instead of Known Agenda, woulda have been nearly $10k. I nearly did that, too, but in the end I thought Known Agenda would pull off a top 4 even from the 1 post.
Pervy old neighbor post This pervert has stopped by three more times since this happened. First time, our german shepherd wouldn't let him near the house. He mowed a strip in our yard for some reason, on the lowest blade height. I always mow on the highest setting, he mowed my grass down to the dirt for one strip, it looks like shit. Second time, the wife heard the lawnmower coming and locked the doors, stayed in the bedroom. Third time I was home and had just set my dash cam in the car to record all the time and told my wife to keep him in the camera's field of view. He discreetly asked my wife if he'd been too forward the other day, she told him yes and that he had better not do it again. We'll see if stops coming by, but I'm keeping the camera rolling for now. Wife didn't want me to say anything to him after that, but if he can't keep himself away, I get to go after him. I think it mainly caught her off guard the first time, because he's so old. He has to be late 70s. She knows where to stand and will slap the shit out of him if he returns for another hump while I'm gone.