Any chance this guy had a suffered a stroke recently? My mom suffered stroke induced dementia and the initial changes while not pervy were very out of character. It wasn't until years later when she suffered a more severe stroke and started slurring speech, etc that we found out about the previous stroke.
Lord this child. Wants everything we eat. Begs for food with mouth moving just like a baby bird. Bebe will eat spicy stuff too with tears rolling down. Today it was chester hot fries. Future hot wing champion growing here, y'all.
I made a modified April Showers drink earlier. It was just gin, grapefruit juice, and agave. At what point does this just become a gin n juice?
I really wouldn't know. Before all this I may have spoken to him for an hour, that being spread over several conversations as he passed walking his dog. I truly hope it doesn't get to the point I have to say something to him or his wife. We just want him to stop being weird.
just put a sign in the yard that says “no more humping my wife.” Let the neighbors figure it out and take care of it for you
I’m wondering why his name is Peter cottontail if he lays eggs? And rabbits don’t lay eggs so what the fuck is he doing with someone else’s eggs then? my wife cant answer me. Alexa can’t answer me. I don’t know how to access Siri on my new phone so she can’t answer me. One of y’all need to help.
Somehow this doesn't seem out of place at kid rock's bar
A local college has long been the home of a legendary heavy metal radio station. In an article straight out of 1986, religious nut jobs are accusing it of being Satanic. I distinctly remember fighting this battle back when Reagan was president and I was still drinking illegally. Give it up already.