Anyone have any issues with this site working on their phone? I've had a report that it's not working for someone... I haven't seen any issues myself, but wanted to ask everyone else if they've had any issues.
Working for me, Android, Firefox mobile browser. But, depending on which mobile browser I use, I may be missing a feature - like, on Firefox, I don't have the Bold / Italics buttons.
Apple 15, whatever the browser is straight out of the box- honestly I have no idea. No problems at all.
Appointment for my marathon tattoo today. Just the word “run” on my arm. Always wanted a tattoo for running, but was never gonna get one unless I finally was able to complete a marathon. Once it became feasible that I was gonna actually finish two, just decided to push it back until after London. A TON of shitty running-inspired designs out there, went super basic because at its core running is the most boring thing ever. goals for next year are the Austin marathon as the priority, might do the local marathon (which was my disastrous first one this year) as a warmup and also as revenge after the way it went sideways. After Austin, I have two options depending on how I’m feeling: either do San Antonio’s other marathon in march, or if I’m feeling even better, do our 50k. I’d love to get into the ultramarathon distances and this would be a fun way to dip my toes in it with a gentle and famous course, but all depends on how I’m feeling after Austin since it’ll be one month later.
Being in Texas sounds bad enough, but you run marathons there? You need to be seen by a professional to evaluate this suicidal behavior.
More on how could your boss get any dumber One of our other terminals needed some parts we had because the dealer didn't have any and we had lots of spares. So we shipped them out this morning. The above was a snippet from the afternoon guy relaying what he sent out. My boss just came down and pointed at the highlighted sections and asked, "how do i correct these out of the system, i can't find them in our inventory"
We implemented a new shipping system last year. Owner was too cheap to pay for a couple extra licenses so every department could have access to it. Department heads will have it swapped out as problems come up. There are only two people with full access licenses everyone else has a hodgepodge of limited access licenses. “Nobody knows nothing” is our new business motto.