Buddy of mine plays some Transformers game on his tablet and last year spent over $10,000 on boosts, troops, or what ever the fuck. That's insanity.
I recently got sucked into a new save file of Stardew Valley. It's an incredibly grindy game, but balances it out by having you juggle multiple compulsion loops that progress at different speeds with the quicker tasks occasionally becoming basically impossible without progress in the others. I'm sure the publisher could make a mint from micro-transactions, but they've chosen not to. Looking at the in-game timer I've gotten 350+ hours of enjoyment out of a $20 purchase.
Trying to find the brand of kitchen sponges I always buy for my grocery pickup order. If you type sponge into the search, after the first couple rows of products they come up with facial makeup blending tools. They look like buttplugs. Who designs this stuff?!
Every time he buys whatever latest bullshit thing there should be a notification telling him how many children in Africa died that could have been saved with the funds he spent. And no, I don't do anything for the children in Africa either, but I think someone spending 5 figures on a fucking transformers game should be so informed.
Lame joke, dude. Don’t rush your humor. Really analyze the topic, and you’ll see there’s more than meets the eye. HEYO!!! So I’ve been getting an impromptu week off from work. But it’s because my dad suffered a heart attack that led to a triple bypass. So I’m his hands and arms for a week until his cousin comes to take over. It’s been alright, except for his fits of crankiness and rants about the diabetes conspiracy. He really doesn’t like jabbing his fingers.
Welp, everyone’s getting ready for Dorian(almost exactly a year after Florence). It’s supposed to be a category 2, and since Florence was a category 1 and royally fucked shit up, this should prove interesting...
Florence wasn't a particularly strong storm when it hit the Carolinas. The problem was that it refused to move once it got there. Unfortunately, it seems like Dorian might do the same thing.
I think Dorian blew his load all over the Bahamas. They are fucked right now. The article I read says 7 confirmed causalities but I expect that number to skyrocket once recovery efforts are underway. A before and after map I saw showed something like 60% of the island underwater. Not sure if some of that will be above water again once the storm surges subsides or not. Being trapped on an island during a storm of that magnitude must be frightening. Just makes me think of The Cay.... somebody strap all the kids to trees or they might get whipped away.
And to think that there are 3-4 more lining up behind it. You also have to wonder what the hell they are going to do in the medium to long term... sure, you survived that 12 hours... but where's your food and water and shelter coming from in the next 2 weeks? Month?
That’s why I never understand people who only prepare for big storm by getting some basics to ride out for a few days. It’s not the main storm that’s the problem. It’s the aftermath when the grocery stores are wiped clean and there’s nothing to eat. I hope you all enjoy your few cans of Pringle’s and case of water.
Or wait until right before the storm hits to stock up. They are aware water doesn’t have a shelf life, right? You can get that shit in advance.
Not like those well-prepared geniuses who stocked up for Y2K. With their rations if their idiotic theory actually came true they would have survived until at least the middle of February, before they would have to resprt to drinking their own recycled whiz.
It’s times like these I’m glad I don’t live on the beach and above sea level. It seems like hurricane seasons are becoming more and more intense. At some point you’d think people would move out of Florida. Aside from the hurricanes, being covered in a layer of sweat 24/7 is not my idea of a good time. Sure, waves are cool but there’s nothing cool about the Gulf. You might as well hitch your trailer up downriver from a manufacturing plant because it’s the same experience.
The best way to survive long term is to scope out your neighbours. Then when shit hits the fan, you either rob or kill/eat the weakest ones first. You will NOT have enough supplies to last long term... but several people together will. Fuck the commandments, you go ahead and Covet thy neighbour’s wife. And then covet his canned goods, his shotgun and his fuel. It’s Thunderdome time, bitches. “Only the strong” and all that jazz.
Vegan sues neighbors for BBQing in their own backyard. Community plans protest BBQ outside her house in her honor Real meaty story there.