Alright alright alright. $6.65 for a 32oz bottle. That's a gamble I'll take. I'll let you know if it is the magic I needed or if it turned the stain blue.
That 'disaster', as the news called it, happened right before the last Trump parade that took place here. Me and my family accidentally got caught in it because we had to travel up river to pick up friends from a campground. I've traveled about 4,000 miles by sailboat, on the Atlantic, along the east coast and crossing over to St Maarten. Spent 13 days at sea on a 40' boat on one trip. That day we got caught up in that was one of the most nerve-wracking I've had on the water. It was rough, steep waves stacked close together. We were on a heavy pontoon that just doesn't handle that stuff well. There was also one other boat going the opposite direction, into the waves, getting absolutely beat to shit. I joked that that was the one Biden voter out that day.
My 20 y/o niece is going to house sit for us while we're on our trip. How much is a reasonable daily amount to give her?
We have pets that need to be taken care of. She's watched the place for us before but only for 3 days. We'll be gone for a bit more than that this time. Some Googling said people on average get paid $60-80 a night. $600-800 seems like a shit ton to give a 20 y/o who is just happy to be out of her house away from her parents.
If she’s mature enough to have that (proper, imo) mindset, why not try asking her what she thinks is fair then just add a bit on top? Just level with her and tell her you tried to look it up but couldn’t find shit
We gave my wife’s friend’s daughter $200 for the week, she’s a university student to look after our two dogs. A live-in dog sitter costs at least $300 per week around here. Putting them in a kennel costs $100 more than that. 200 is fair. Your fridge, your utilities, your laundry, under your roof. If this isn’t pulling her away from work, it’s almost free money for her..
I think you are paying her to feed and care for the dogs. The house sitting is a bonus. As Crown said, pay her a fair dog sitting fee.
10 years ago my husband and I got paid $50/day to house/dog/plant sit, though that did include an hour long off leash walk every day and we usually left the house cleaner than we found it. It felt like a sweet deal at the time to us, though I think it was close to market rate.
My parents had a dog sitter last week. One of their dogs died while the sitter was there. Sitter got there and thought the dog was asleep, but she was dead. 15-year-old chocolate lab. Poor girl.
I just found out today that another guy at work is leaving. That leaves my department with 3.5 mechanics* for a fleet of 40+ tractors, about 30 excavators, 20 bulldozers and motorgraders, and some other assorted equipment. When I started, there were three tractor mechanics, and 3 heavy equipment mechanics. I've heard unofficially that because of this, I'm going to be promoted. Anyway, the guy who is leaving is a fat, lazy piece of shit with a stupid sense of humor. I have rarely worked with him, but when I have, he was either on his phone, or just standing around watching someone else work. Fuck that guy. I wasn't sure if this should go in the Rant/ Rave thread or not, so I posted it here. *The .5 mechanic is our supervisor, who sometimes does some work. Although based on what I've heard from the most senior guy here, he never did that much work even when he didn't have supervisor duties.
Huge rave! Congrats! Job security! That was what my (state employee) supervisor used to say when news about high claim numbers was announced.