I don't understand people like that. If all you want is the recipe instructions, why don't you try looking up the recipe instructions, you fucking moron. There's about 8 million websites that do just that for you. So, basically they're sitting around bitching because they can't figure out how to do something that takes five seconds. Awesome.
For those of you who feel like scarring your kids for their childhood the way you were once scarred, they are remaking Watership Down as a TV series. Any of you watch that movie accidentally when you were too young?
They need to go full on Game Of Thrones with it. Scar the kids for life. And I want to see a Dire Wabbit.
Hot car deaths, with parents forgetting their children in there, are really bad this year. Because people are fucking idiots. So now every commercial break now I hear these PSAs on TV advising to put something valuable in your backseat so you remember your child. Uhm.... your child isn't valuable?!?
It is my favorite book. I am so fucking pumped about this series, and so far it seems like there’s no release date. And I WANT TO SEE IT DAMNIT!!! Here’s a commercial by the director of the series:
I had a rental car with one of those back seat alarms once. I was so pumped because it would tell me when I forgot to get my backpack or lunch. Then someone explained it was so people couldn’t leave their kid in the car.
Man,I’ve read that book 14 times, the first time back in 1978 when I was 11. I don’t care what conclusions you draw from that.
These numbers are up mostly because of people totally fucked up on opioids. As for the small minority - stay awake for two weeks straight, change drop off duties with your spouse, then make a judgment. Over a decade ago I “invented “ a sensor to alert parents about kids left in the backseat. When I did a patent check there were numerous other patents, blocking me but undeveloped. Criminal in my opinion.
We're doing a BBQ for my son's bday party. For a 1 year old, about 45 people. About 15 of those will be kids (cousins and the like). So we have 35 lbs of pork butt and 3.5 cases of beer. Plus my wife is making several gallons of sangria. That should be good, right?
You should probably do a brisket or two just in case. You're already running the smoker for that long, might as well maximize your output.
Pasta salad, baked beans, potato salad. My pork butts (4 of them) range in size from 6 lbs to 9 lbs. I'm gonna smoke over oak at about 220-225 degrees and shoot for 10 hours, but will take them off as soon as any of them reach 203 degrees internal.
If you're using oak, you could definitely get away with mixing pork and beef on the same smoke. But that's just me. I thought it was a law in Texas that if you're smoking you HAD to make at least one brisket?
Not enough room on the pit. I don’t think. Plus I’ve made a TON of brisket for my family. Pulled pork is a nice change of pace. I actually prefer it. Ribs > pulled pork > brisket
I prefer ribs over either one of those as well, but I personally prefer brisket over pulled pork. When I really have the time and inclination, taking a brisket and making pastrami out of it is the best option.