Uh. If you had the power to have your wife do whatever physical thing you wanted on command, you would go with howl at the moon?
When you are married long enough, the thought of never hearing her speak again is not necessarily bad.
Nope, love her more now than ever. Just would like some silence once in awhile. Why? Are you looking for suggestions?
With the amount of guns in our house, I feel like I have a very real and legitimate fear of sleep walking. Fortunately I’ve never done it. But if I were to, I’m not sure what the recourse would be. And that bridge scares me.
ROTN, how was your day in Monterey? The wife and I drove over Saturday and had a wonderful time. I hope the fog stayed offshore for you.
We drove in along HWY 1 on Sunday, the crowds were crazy as they were also on Saturday. So we did a lot of wine tastings and my wife got hammered and I had some good bourbon so it was cool. Did the aquarium today. The fog was definitely in today but it was a great break from the heat of Texas. We’re gonna go to Carmel tomorrow for more drinking and spending money. Weather should be the same: foggy and cold (for us). Which is basically exactly what we want.
Yeah... our dog is 30 lbs. and scared of other dogs, so if they run at her she'll bark and growl (we don't take her to off-leash areas). Before I got her, it never occurred to me how much the behavior of all the annoying little pocket dogs, that everyone shrugs off or laughs at, is kind of scary coming from a dog just 15 lbs. larger. Nobody corrects the 8 lb. yappy shitzu who's snarling and barking.
For those of that are curious, I ended up asking for a lot more money citing my lack of vacation days compared to now. They offered me more money and more vacation. So now I'm back to a better situation. Now I just have to decide if I really want to leave. There is not much of a future here for me as I have no desire to travel. My attitude here has become apathetic. My issue is that I need my job as kids and home are rather expensive. So I just cant quit if I don't like it. I'd be going from a big 4 consulting firm, to one with 50 something employees. That has to be better for the sheer lack of bureaucracy and overhead, right? I hate big decisions.
Sometimes you end up trading in aggravating bureaucracy for insane/stupid decision-making. I've worked in small companies where they, sure, had a lot less overhead, but you've got the company owner thinking they should make every decision personally. Not to say you shouldn't leave. If your opportunities are dead-ended and your attitude isn't good anymore, that's a bad sign. May as well make a jump to a new opportunity that you've sought out, rather than being forced into a move later on when either your work situation is toxic or you're being laid off in favor of people who will travel.
Make an exhaustive, detailed, honest pros and cons list. Seeing it in front of you can help. Do this exercise with your wife. Research the hell out of the company and location to be sure this is a safe move. Make your decision based on logic and growth. You have clear priorities, now it is about making your life build up to that.