Turns NettData’s boy Musk is spinning out and going the Rosanne “ambien made me do it route” for his bizarre tweeting.
This is what Kubla is refering to I believe. Which stems from a rather interesting, if depressing, NYT piece. One time I tried Ambien myself. I was prescribed it, and promptly stopped it after about a week of hellish side-effects, specifically horrific nightmares. I can personally attest to the fact that it is evil, and turns you from "sober" to blackout-don't-remember-shit in a about a half hour. During that week, I made the mistake of one night of having two glasses of wine before I took it. According to my wife, I pissed on our front door mat to "mark my territory" as I slurred to her. That being said, the Rosanne comparison is apples and oranges in my opinion. Drugs don't turn you into a racist shitbag -- they encourage you to broadcast that you are a racist shitbag to the world and say fuck the consequences. I generally like Musk, and I wish there were more people like him. Though with higher intelligence comes a higher propensity for depression and other mental illnesses. I hope that, if he is struggling, he gets the help he needs. But this strikes me more as if someone (Musk, in this case) is simply trying to find the right solution for his health, and unfortunately every right and wrong step of that long process becomes headline news. I think that even public figures deserve a right to privacy when they're going though difficult times such as that, and that sadly this kind of intrusive press might discourage him from future endeavors.
Why the hell there isn't a moderation queue for "impactful" Tweeters, I will never understand. There should be a second person to sign off on anything that hits Twitter, or other social media... "is this really a good idea?"
But isn’t that what makes it interesting? Besides, it seems like every few weeks some corporate account (which presumably has levels of approval) apologizes for something they thought was funny or clever but then people jumped on them for so the flack wasn’t worth the marketing potential. Can’t please everyone. But unfortunately, on twitter and other social media, you are broadcasting to literally “everyone.”
"You're a captain of industry! Your words matter! You can't be shooting off at the hip any retarded thought that entires your primitive dinosaur brain like you're some kind of common President!"
Funny how one tweet from musk elicits subpeonas from the SEC but Trump can lie his ass off and not suffer consequences.
To be fair, I would guess that Mueller has one folder labeled "Tweets that admit to obstruction of justice" and a second folder labeled "Tweets that are obstruction of justice."
I am onboard with the falling stars challenge. At least is has purpose, however inane it may be, unlike whatever the hell planking was. Some are pretty funny. https://www.instagram.com/fallingst...mbed&utm_campaign=embed_loading_state_control
Musk rushing to take Tesla private makes more sense now if he sensed the SEC on his back. If they have proof he’s trying to pump the stock to counteract short-sellers, he could be removed from his position in the company altogether or even be brought up on charges if it makes its way to the DOJ. I used to have a ton of respect for him. The last 6 months are really showing he’s exactly the captain of industry his image projects.
I think he's a smart technical guy with good technical vision and fantastic "fanboy" public image... he's just a shitty financial/business guy.
Don't know how I missed this. About a month ago, a guy with no arms stabbed someone (because, Florida). That wasn't his first run-in with the law though. This was:
I don't know that he is necessarily a bad financial guy, but he definitely stretched himself thin and ran with a very thin margin of error while depending on things beyond his control. Out of the ~20 people who ran for president in 2016, two might have backed out of the Paris climate accords, and Rand Paul probably would have been talked out of doing it. He also probably didn't expect the Saudis to suddenly flood the oil market in an attempt to stymie Canadian shale oil production (an act that also completely collapsed the economy of Venezuela). To save SolarCity, he had to divert resources that were keeping Tesla afloat, but SolarCity going under would have dragged Tesla down with it anyway. Realistically, he had the resources to do one of SpaceX, Tesla, or SolarCity. The fact that he has managed to make all three work so far is actually really impressive.
People have killed and fucked on Ambien, is racist tweeting really that far of a stretch? Barr was most likely lying but it's still something well within the possibilities of the side effects of that shit.
Exh2 was doped out of his mind on ambien, Xanax, and a rack of tall boys the bight he tried to shoot me. Ambien is crazy shit.
How the holy fuck can you even operate a firearm with Ambien and xanax in your system?!? Those are literally the two strongest, most evil drugs I've ever been on (though morphine comes a close third) after my surgery and all that. When they had me on xanax I couldn't walk a straight line. And ambien is nightmare fuel. Neither of those drugs -- both depressives -- are supposed to ever be combined with alcohol (another depressive) under any circumstances. I'm shocked he even survived that cocktail. Like if you wanna make your body stop working, that's exactly how you do it.
Other way around, mostly. Tesla’s cash is built on the back of loans from SolarCity, refundable deposits for the 3s and VC. As soon as traders got wind that the Model 3s wasn’t going to be profitable, they started shorting hard. They’ve been losing approximately $800 million or more a quarter. Tesla’s stock rating is hovering around junk territory. He’s going to have an extraordinarily difficult time raising capital going forward. He can’t even borrow from SpaceX, it’s structured far too differently. Churning out cars just doesn’t have the same revenue model as long-term satellite launch contracts.
It’s a fucking mystery dude. Like - he’d take 3mg of Xanax, 10mg of ambien, and drink an 18 pack of keystone lite daily. Standing was more like stumbling and pinballing down the hallways. There’s a real probability that even to this day he has no recollection of that night. He doesn’t remember being doped out of his brain and recording a conversation between his son, a friend, and himself regarding the boy’s mom...and that voice recorder was then turned in to a judge. I have no idea how it wasn’t possible but it was and it was fucking awful. I won’t take ambien or Xanax because of that guy and his problems.
Yeah I know all too well the pinballing thing. I had to deal with over-prescribed xanax and painkillers a little over a decade ago, before the media and society in general realized it was a problem. My doctors basically went with the theory of if I'm drugged up then I'm not in pain, so therefore, fixed? At various points I was on 10 mg of Xanax and 5 mg of Ambien, though never combined. No recollection of some of a lot of those days either. Like huge chunks of time missing. And that's back when I was underage (19) so couldn't even mix alcohol with it if I wanted. I won't touch Ambien or Xanax (or morphine) if there was a gun to my head. Not doing that again, rather be dead. Trust me, you're making the right decision. Xanax in particular. It's so great that it's evil.