Crazy part is the asshat still drinks and blames his addiction to pills on me and his doctor. I think...even a decade later...he has yet to take ownership of anything from that frame of his life.
That's the bitch of addiction. You will blame it on literally anything else but yourself, just to shift responsibility so you don't have to deal with it. If he didn't blame it on you, he'd blame it on someone, or something else. Though I do think that, under certain sets of circumstances, doctors can and should be properly blamed for pill addiction. Though obviously they shouldn't ever be used as an excuse not to get help. I've had a few doctors who were basically legalized drug dealers. It was great at the time, but in hindsight it was terrifying. On a WDT note, in honor of the show that made Adam Carolla famous, here's "Girls Jumping on Trampolines"!
Is there anything funnier than the fact ambien is legal but mushrooms aren’t? You can’t sit on your couch in a four-hour state of low giggles— that’s bad—, but there’s nothing wrong with a narcotic that makes you attack your neighbour’s car with a splitting maul before the birds start chirping.
Take out mushrooms and substitute medicinal marijuana. It would allow me to be off all the anti-brain seizure medication I’m on, and the roughly 60 lbs those pharmaceuticals gave me.
It amazes me when people apply for jobs and they haven't done a once-over on their social media. Got an application in today, immediately went on facebook and looked her up. Her intro reads, verbatim, "I WILL NOT BE DISRESPECTED BY A NIGGA NOR BITCH" Some people are just..... Ambien maybe?
I set up the shipping for my Z28 a couple days ago and insured it. Today, I got the temporary permit for it so that when it does arrive I can legally drive least I now know all my paperwork is in order. Now I wait. More. I'm a pretty patient person, but it's now been over a month since I purchased the car and I'm starting to vibrate like a thing that vibrates a lot. Damn it. I want my car.
You'd kick my ass. You may appreciate this though.... I went to the Decauter DMV at 9AM. The line was out the door and all the way down the building. I have no idea why. I ended up at the Flamingo DMV and was in and out pretty quick.
I made some killer ramen/pho broth yesterday (big batch for the freezer), and just got some new ramen bowls... so yeah, I'm on board with noodle metal. Heavy Metal Noodling... not just for Yngwie Malmsteen any more.
You know, sometimes people make me really scratch my head and go "WTF?" The latest rage on Reddit is to shit on people who are posting "how-to" videos on YouTube... but including some personal context or back story rather than just the minimum info required to get the point across. For instance, recipe videos. They just want the recipe, and not the story of how their grandmother used to make it, etc. My thoughts are, "fuck you, it's free, you're not paying for it, you don't have to consume the content... they can put it up however they fuck they want, and you can shut the fuck up". I seem to have hit raw nerve with more than a few people and am currently being down-voted to the 7th layer of Hell... but I stand firm. If you "demand" that content be provided, for free, in the manner that YOU desire, then go fuck yourself... you're a self-entitled cunt and can go fuck yourself.
Recipe books are sometimes back story free. But you have to pay for those. They want their monkeys to dance when they say so. That's the issue.
Specific podcast subs are the same way. The fan-base teeters between how XYZ show used to be better or people that just want to hate on it. I only subscribe to subreddits devoted to very specific topics; lawncare, home improvement, personal finance, etc. The niche communities are way cooler. The only humor one I regularly visit is /r/disneyvacation. It’s a sub devoted to adding out of context descriptions to WikiHow images. Pretty funny stuff.
Remember before PC’s, when your boss gave you an assignment and you were lucky to get it done by the weekend? Remember having to research things at the library for school and flip through archives for historical information about events? All of that comes as fast as the snap of your fingers now. Porn included. And people could not be more pissed off that it isn’t simply being beamed into their empty heads. Ain’t nobody got time for that!