I've always heard League City was cool. You know what it is? A few exits on a highway that puts I-35 construction to shame. With humidity so bad you can feel it from inside your car. I had to use my windshield wiper spray multiple times along that stretch of I think it was I-45, just to get the dirt and grime off it. Also Katy, Texas can suck my balls while Houston sucks my cock.
I don't know who is worse: Houstonians, or Austinites. They both have smug attitudes in different ways. Austinites are like: "I can see live music whenever I want, don't talk to me about music, hillbilly. " Whereas Houstonians will be like: "Bro, you couldn't make it in Houston. It's all different there. You don't even know." And they will say this to someone from San Antonio...
Austinites are easy to avoid because they're in large groups and you can smell them a mile away. Also, you never know what gender they are that day, so you don't know how to approach them. Houstonians are in your face, grabbing their dick while smoking a black-n-mild, telling you that you couldn't make it there while you're telling them that no one, in fact, wants to be there in the first place.
It caused some dinnertime anger from my BiL when I had the audacity to say that Texas cities have some of the highest numbers of traffic fatalities, and also to mention that traffic is very heavy in places like LA but they don't have the same outcomes. I'm honestly surprised he didn't slap me from across the table that night. Living through those road conditions is not a badge of honor. It is insanity.
LA is one of the most disappointingly designed cities in the country, and yet it it somehow not as bad as Texas.
In reference to your rep, I also find it hilarious that they had all these toll roads to get OUT of the place. Might as well just place a sign saying "we know we suck, pay $2.50 leave quick."
don't lump all Texas cities in with that crap. Many of them are great. For example, San Antonio has a loop system -- an inner and outer loop -- with the major highways going through it in fairly straight lines. End result is that there's like 5 different ways to get anywhere. This design system had always been in place, roughly, but was formalized and expedited to completion during the cold war. The theory was that SA would be one of the top targets due to the number of military bases, and the Russians would target evacuation routes. By creating the highway system in such a manner, it would make them use more bombs than they were comfortable with to effectively shut down the city (source: my late grandfather was the highest ranking civilians on one of the largest bases at the time, and was heavily involved in the Cuban Missile Crisis and such planning) Also, Texas has this amazing invention called "turnarounds." It works to where if you miss your exit on the highway, you can just take the next exit, use that turnaround which goes through an underpass (and two yield signs), sends you the opposite way, then you take another turnaround and get right back on! Takes like 3 minutes, max. However, in backwoods states like Florida, if you miss your exit, it could be a half hour or more before you get back going the right direction. One moment you're headed south from Tampa, a kid says something in the backseat, you look up and you're going east to Orlando looking at a 45 minute turnaround time because loudmouth just HAD to tell you about his minecraft build right then and there.
Aww, memories. RIP, Central Artery. When I first got to Boston, the Big Dig was just opening up for use, so all my downtown excursions were walking under/through all the demolition of the roads. I felt like it was The Warriors or something.
austinites are so skinny as to look almost malnourished. They’re closer to Californians than Texans. Usually, because they are. what’s happening is people are moving from California after selling their houses, buying a place in Austin — because it’s the closest to Cali. — except larger than what they had in CA and with cash, and having cash leftover. Then they realize how expensive Austin is, so after a few years they sell and move to the rest of Texas. by that point we’ve corrupted them though so their BMI is already starting to climb
Just a reminder to make sure people care enough about you to know you’re dead! Woman dies in 2019, takes two years for anybody to notice or care https://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/world/article263698148.html I’ll be honest, the most indelible memory of my brother’s death (surprisingly) is that he was in his dorm room and was only found because of other students reporting a bad smell. So when I read that the other apartments made a complaint and then gave it up when it faded - I don’t know. Bad smell means something or somebody probably be dead. Happy Friday!
FTFY Ironically, the only thing I like about LA is the thing you possibly dislike the most; the cars. So many high end cars to gawk at.
Can’t have traffic fatalities if it’s bumper to bumper gridlock. I’ve been to LA once. I get the allure, big, diverse, city. I don’t remember the traffic being bad but being on vacation I think we were driving around at non peak hours. The homeless population seems to be putting Florida Man to shame these days.