Tannerite gender reveal went perfectly, didn’t burn down too much. I was a bit concerned I’d fuck up something
That’s a novel and humorous idea. Shoot a package that sends an either blue or pink flaming baby with a recorded scream coming out of it. “It’s engulfed in blue! Start buy sports equipment!!” Get a real good scream for the recording too, maybe record the real thing while jabbing it with a hat pin.
yeah so they really wanted a boy because according to the mom, she didn’t wanna deal with how she was as a child. Of course, it was pink. Soon as the powder exploded she loudly goes “oh, fuck!”
Well fuck me running. About a month ago I was asked to help moderate the largest non-alcoholic beverage group on Facebook. It’s basically just me and another dude trying to hold together this thing as the industry itself takes off like wildfire. I never realized how many people complain about frankly stupid shit. I know I’ve been guilty of it before but damn... these adults are straight children sometimes. you stupid fuckers have my complete respect
Yeah, it's not a job, hobby, pastime, how ever you want to consider it, that I'd ever want or accept. I actually think I'm better behaved on here than real life. I don't think I've ever been threatened with a ban from this board, I know I'm not welcome in some actual places. I don't insult any of you, or your beliefs, though a few mine get drug on here all the time. I don't let any of it get to me.
Yeah... it's not like this is a job. Hell, I pay money for this place to exist, and many give up their time and talents to keep it going. The last thing we want to do is ban people. It really is a last resort. This is supposed to be a place to come and relax, talk some shit WITH people, not AT people, and generally be a fun and happy place. Some people try to make it out to be more important than it is, and some people draw a line in the sand with some of their behaviours. In the end, I don't give a shit... I think the mods do a fantastic job of educating, warning, and not going power happy... so when it comes to an actual ban, I think it's well deserved. And I don't give a fuck if you never come back. I've said it many times before, this isn't a popularity contest, and we're not really growing, so eventually it'll be shut down... but until then, 'wildered will still post porn, SheGirl will still post her tits in mod board, and RoTN will still shoot his brain tumour in the head while cleaning his guns.
yeah I try to maintain it the same way. Exception being it's no politics, because that shit is just no good for no one right now. It's free to join and they're free to leave at any time if they don't enjoy it or don't agree with how it's run. We try to give everyone a very wide berth, with a very basic set of rules. Human decency, no keyboard bullies. If you can't stay within the very sizable lane with kid bumpers to keep you on the road, then you are free to leave. I'd rather not make you, but I will if it's a personal attack on other members or impacts the enjoyment of the group at large. I figure there's so much negativity going on in the world, our goal, based around a fun and healthy hobby, should be to provide people with a reprieve from it. Want to be an asshole, there's plenty of places on the Internet to do that. Just not there.
Neighborhood Watch Facebook groups are great, if you’re the type of person who enjoys a good train wreck now and again.
I'm afraid to join those because 1) I'd make me hate people more than I already do, and more importantly; 2) I'm sure a lot of their bitching would be about me
The first rule of neighborhood watch is that nobody knows more than you. It’s like a contest in who can assume the most about the other person. I think I told this story once before, but I posted in our old neighborhood watch group back in Nashville one time, and one time only. I heard noise at 1:00 AM, and I walk out on the porch, and three kids are walking a push mower down the middle of the road. Two of the kids bolted when I walked out. So I posted on the watch site what I saw: three kids pushing a mower, the street and block, quick description of clothes, time I saw it, direction they were headed. Then I went to bed. The next morning, I was greeted with multiple posts saying that “not all kids are thieves,” “some kids mow lawns in the neighborhood so don’t jump to conclusions,” and “it’s a shame our kids can’t go without being harassed.” I explained: nowhere in the post did I say the word “stolen” or “theft,” that I’d be surprised if the kids were mowing lawns at 1:00AM, and that I didn’t harass them, or even try and approach them, I just walked out on my porch. And if you can’t post the things you see in your neighborhood, on a NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH page, then it was pointless to do so again, and I would no longer be watching. Later that day, I got a message from a nearby neighbor, telling me that she appreciated my message, as her neighbor’s push mower had been missing that morning. The only worse groups are ones for lost/missing pets and rescues.
I wish I had never joined the one for my neighborhood. I have a hard time making friends with people that live around here because the only thing I know about them is that they ae frightened by teenagers and black people and that they have really strong opinions about minor inconveniences .
Types of Neighborhood Watch posts: -everyone’s a criminal -nobody’s a criminal -pining for the “good old days” -“im gonna start taking matters into my own hands” -complaining about specific people in the neighborhood without using names, but saying “I’d rather not talk about it” -complaining about the mods of the group
my mother in law shares that shit CONSTANTLY. Like 10-20 of them a day. She floods my feed with lost or rescue pet posts, quizzes that show which primary color she is or what color of the rainbow is her personality, and that "copy and paste for 11 years of good luck!" crap. She recently shared one about how "only the courageous will share this" and it involved something about a smear campaign conspiracy against cops to make them look bad. My wife wonders why I think she's a complete fucking idiot. On a related note, her facebook has been "hacked" about a dozen or so times now.
Forgot to add: she also incessantly, and I mean that as in literally right now for like the 30th time today, shares pictures with "inspirational" words in them about how how someone, but definitely not her, is always pretty on the inside even though they are ugly on the outside. Or how you never know what people are going through. Or about how it's best to stay silent and be assumed smart than open your mouth and be proven a fool even though all she posts is fucking retarded dribble that makes me pity my father in law for having to put up with her. Can't unfollow her because I have roughly 2-3 dozen friends on facebook, consisting of select friends and family who I know don't cause drama. I am highly, highly paranoid about what is available about me online. I can deal with stupid. I won't deal with mean stupid.