I don’t get it, though. Unfollowing means you don’t have to see any of the person’s posts. They’ll still be your “friend” and all, but you don’t have to interact with them, unless they initiate it.
I had a forum much like this one for about 6 years after my buddy shut his down and moved away. I had very few rules, but the ones I had were firm. Well, some people from the old board didn’t like it. One of them first logged on and was an absolute nuisance. Then they started a cheap freeware version AND Facebook group where I’m told a lot of shit was talked about me from time to time. I didn’t give a shit too much, it’s only a website for Gods sake, and they didn’t even know me. I’ve since shut that down in order to focus on writing more. The loudest complained about me has a Facebook group where they do a lot of the things they claimed about me. I find this deliciously funny. I miss having my site, and think about throwing the switch now and then. But too many people prefer Facebook, which makes it largely a waste of time. It’s a lot of work for less than a dozen people.
“Unfollow” is awesome. On the rare occasion one of those people asks if I saw their post I just say, “I haven’t been on much lately.” You can also set up special lists of “friends” so not everyone sees what you post unless they go to your page. That’s great for those pain in the ass people who you don’t want to interact with but also don’t want to hear “Why’d you I friend me?”
My neighborhood bitches about two things: speeding (neighborhood is a shortcut) and dog shit. I do agree that the speeding cut-through traffic is a problem, but none of them can comprehend the reality that our streets are maintained by VDOT and our HOA has no authority over them. The most hostile posts are usually over dog doodoo not getting picked up or about dog urine leaving burn patches.
Tonight I will be watching “Jaws” with my daughter for the first time. This... is going to be fun. For me.
Not unless nobody is around. We were looking into private beach cottages. People didn’t flood the beaches here, even when they opened. In Beach towns near Toronto you have to book your admission (free) to the beach in advance to avoid overcrowding. And there’s been no big issues to hear of, thanks to cooperation on all sides. ...in regards to the movie she isn’t the easy-to-scare type so far thanks largely in part to living at our house in October looks like a horror film. Although she did NOT want to watch the entirety of The Serpent And The Rainbow, a personal fave of mine and also a movie that will keep most adults feeling uneasy for days on end.
Kanye goin' nuts on Twitter right now: https://twitter.com/kanyewest I'd say this dooms his presidential campaign, but we are a very stupid people so I can't say for sure.
Like, ten years ago. He. Is. A. FRUITCAKE. However fancy his bed may be, he needs to be strapped to it and force-funnelled lithium three times daily.
he’s the reason I had to remind my wife today that just because someone is famous doesn’t mean they’re smart or kind and should be in any way influential or looked up to. There’s a lot of dangerously stupid people who can sing and dance and act and play sports at a high level, and it’s only a bonus when they know what the fuck they’re talking about.
Clouds keep covering the horizon line so I haven't been able to get a glimpse of the comet. Last night was crystal clear, though (inserting as a thumbnail because it's big):