Facebook reminded me of my favorite college moment: My roommate burst into my room while I was fucking someone and yelled "YOU PUT THE HOE IN HOMIE!" and ran out of the room. You ever tried to stay hard inside someone while laughing? I was going through my online comics collection and realized it's about time they made Martha Washington into a show/movie. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martha_Washington_(comics) Frank Miller is famous for the Dark Knight Returns (seriously, one of the best comics ever made), Sin City, 300, some of the seminal work on Daredevil and I think he worked on "Cursed" on Netflix that was recently released. Some of his stuff hasn't aged well, but he is a remarkable storyteller.
Here's a random question for the board: I need a new hat (ball cap) for work, that's well ventilated. Would you recommend a regular ol' mesh trucker hat, or is "Dri-Fit" fabric actually what it says it is?
In my humid weather experience, that dry fit stuff works amazingly well. Even better is that brand that cools when it‘s wet but I can’t think of the name of it right now edit: mission is the name of the brand that I have
Dri-fit things are great _however_ they will smell much, much more than cotton does if you don't get it in to the wash regularly.
Top tip. Don't try and have a sleep in when your bedroom is next to a new build and they are pouring concrete. Concrete trucks and pumps are not subtle.
I hear ya. 45 year infrastructure upgrades kicked off in full force today. The whole house was shaking with that compactor... pics rattling on the walls and the cats freaking the FUCK out. The notice said “done by November”. New asphalt, curbs, lights, water, sewer... yeah, I could see that. The foreman laughed, genuinely entertained... “lucky if we’re done by April” Joy.
Although infasctructire renovations are a huge pain, I like that they do, in fact, happen. I do love how they now take extra care in this city doing neighbourhood work. Note the hedge and tree protection, even for private lots. If they see you have a custom driveway (like yours) they’ll also be very careful around it, because they DO NOT want to be replacing that for you.
My last three months of living in an apartment involved a lot of powder-actuated nail guns and screaming in not-English before 7AM in the morning. I can't imagine what impact that would have had on guys who actually served.
What the hell are infrastructure improvements? Around here it would go as follows: Replace lights? One at a time, only if a vehicle takes one out. Water and sewer? Pretty much only if something breaks. There are water lines in New York City that are made of wood and well over 100 years old. Paving is done regularly (curbing maybe every third or fourth paving). But typically a road will get paved - and then the gas company tears holes in it to upgrade their lines, or a broken sewer or water line gets fixed, so they dont stay nicely paved for long.
Yeah, we have a preventative maintenance plan for the city where they do improvements before shit catches on fire. They are also putting in sidewalks on some neighbouring streets. It’s not going over well as it meant cutting down 50 year old trees on people’s front yards.
If they cut a new sidewalk through your property, would they have to reimburse you the same way as if they put a soundwall in your backyard? People who get sound/blocker walls often get thousands of dollars for basically receiving a luxurious privacy fence.
Nope. The city owns the land right beside the road, commonly known as the boulevard. They have already got imminent domain on that part so you’re SOL.
The last week, I’ve had ants walking around the dashboard of my new car. Maybe one every two or three days. Tonight, I found out the source - some carpenter ants took up residence at the bottom of my door, under the foam/rubber seal strip, and were trying to grow an army. One scorched-earth preemptive strike later...there are no ants. Score one for the humans.
Oh I know the boulevard rule. I meant if you’ve NEVER had a sidewalk before (your property Straight hits the curb), and they cut one through your property fresh. They did this in the Hunt Club neighbourhood here in town. But once they reached the “old money” houses, they nixed it.
The locals went to the council and said "we don't need this, stop it" and it went to vote, and lost... sidewalk it is.