I mean, I've taken a girl from "my shitty ex never cared if I came" to "that was the sixth orgasm this hour", but that took work. I've never heard of someone just Skyrim-shouting a woman's pussy into oblivion*. *yeah, that was also an Elder Scrolls reference
FUS ROH DAH! was actually her safeword. Weird. Yeah, it took work. But fun work. An orgasm, at least for girls in my experience, has a trigger. By training her, Pavlov style, to diversify the sensations that trigger an orgasm (ie, clitoral+nipple+verbal), and through some techniques like breathing control, kegels, etc. you can put that trigger more firmly in conscious control. So, she went from purely having a single clitoral/g-spot orgasm, to having orgasms that were say 60/40 vaginal/nipple, then 30/70....then 10/90....then she could orgasm solely through nipples. Then through even more gentle stimulation... The key for going from multi-sensation triggers to verbal is her ability to sit at the precipice of an orgasm and hold it. So, getting her right to the edge, and not letting her orgasm until she exhales 3 times and asks permission. Or getting her to a post-orgasm level of sensitivity, NOT reducing the stimulation, but inducing meditative or deep breathing where she can acclimate the higher levels of sensitivity without her body spazzing out. Tantric sex is a decent guide, because it provides a roadmap for having one orgasm last 30 minutes or more. Multiple orgasms have kind of a wave function, and you can use increased sensitivity to make each wave crest higher, stronger and take longer, if the breathing/heart rate remain consistent. The other thing about it is that it's slow. Fast, frenetic activity is counter-productive, the idea is to push the trigger below a "normal" threshold to be able to replace it with something less direct, like verbal commands. So, having her in a relaxed, almost meditative space that is also sexually arousing was another part of it: it's hard to be that aroused and relaxed at the same time. Most folks' sexual arousal overlaps with physical arousal (ie, increased heart rate, rapid breathing) and that makes it harder to trigger verbally. So, perversely, it can be harder for her to orgasm during vigorous sex, unless she's instructed to hold it, or only on command. Most of the actual stimulation was a magic wand (although it's important to use different toys to avoid a fixation on a particular sensation), my fingers or an njoy wand. For some of the longer, meditative sessions oral was fun but...you need to be able to, y'know talk through it, and it's hard to do with a mouth full. Kink isn't all leather and whips, y'all.
My ex husband thought he was some kind of orgasm connoisseur and often repeated (and still repeats) the whole “a man’s orgasm is easy, a woman’s is art” thing from whatever movie it was. That shit got old fast.
There was convenience store across the lot that had hot dogs on a roller machine, so might've been a coin flip. Also, I'm pretty sure the hooker sitting a few stools over from me was either stood up or very disappointed more of the guys from Ft. Stewart weren't in there.
I do not miss Stewart at all. When The Husband asked me if I wanted to PCS to Georgia and said we could do Stewart or Gordon I told him “you may go to hell, I’ll go to Texas.” Savannah is amazing. The interior of GA along highway 80 were actually really pretty. I’m chill never living there again. The bar I used to go to in hinesville is a church now, last I heard. So that’s cool.
Woohoo! We got our new TV (again) and it wasn't broken this time. Delivery from Costco was way better than the secondary company from Amazon who basically kicked it off the truck.
If any of you would have qualified for larger stimulus checks using your 2020 income instead of your 2019 income, I just found out that you can get the difference included in your tax refund when you file your 2020 taxes. I filed mine today in an attempt to get my AGI number updated before they send out another round of checks, and it came as a nice little surprise.
I'm in the opposite situation. Trying to put off filing my 2020 taxes because I get a stimmy under my 2019 returns, but wouldn't under my 2020.
Sounds like a lot of damn work. I'm more of a "Halfway through sex, get up to have a beer, see something interesting on TV and forget about the whole sex thing" kind of guy.
Orgasm, I'm sure I remember them. At my age it's more likely to be a bad case of hiccups or someone using a defibrillator.
Y’all we made it. We have power, water, and no damage I haven’t been able to fix. We have food, which is more than I can say for even some of my immediate family right now. My house is the only one to escape unscathed.
Maybe I’m just naive, but how can somebody not even have food? I mean, is it that they don’t have food they want to eat, or do they have literally no food? I could probably go near a month without needing to buy food...granted, I’d be eating really old ramen and a lot of hormel chili, but I wouldn’t starve to death.
My guess is most of the people have 3-5 days worth of food if conditions are OK, but if the power goes out and the food in the fridge and freeze spoils, it probably is maybe a days worth for a couple people. I'm sort of in the same boat. If my power goes out and my chest freezer bites it, that's like 100lbs of meat down the drain along with a countless amount of frozen veggies and frozen sauce/soup containers. However, if it's that cold down there, you probably won't have as big of an issue with frozen meats going bad, but little to no way to cook it unless you have a grill handy.