NEGATIVE 17, 'Nerds? It doesn't get that cold in Texas. That's something those wacky Canuckistanis have to deal with. I know that this is the "Drunk Thread," but we're supposed to be drunks who can handle our booze, not mix up positive and negative... Seriously, though, it's going to get fucking cold down in Texas, and I do not agree with that. Now back to fixing broken pipes under my house; please pass the wine.
windchill -17. Actual temp 4. At a certain point, it all fucking sucks. Regardless, I go by what it feels like. Which is cold as fuck. Also I'm right on that middle finger boundary where the beautiful hill country abruptly cuts off and meets south texas. So we get the occasional fuck you weather, all the alerts, and none of the consistency.
with windchill it is currently 19. The great part about living on top of a hill, overlooking a pasture, which has a river on the north end, is that in the summer it's like 15 degrees cooler here at the house because of the breeze. The bad part is that when it gets cold, it's absolutely fucked up.
Just get Rick Perry to pray for more cold in a stadium. It will be fifth-ring-of-hell-hot within no time.
Aww man, that blows. Do you at least still have your Charvel to get your fingers all toughened up and ready for that wonderful LP goodness? I'd hate for you to have to put it down because your fingers got sore...
I still have my 2 Ovations (6 and 12 strings) that I play almost nightly... as well as others. I also have a Kramer Sustainer, Charvell 7, Peavy EVH Wolfgang, and Strat hanging on the wall... so yeah, fingers are good to go.
As well, the shop owner wasn't willing to rush it... he waited for his top guy to ensure it was perfectly tech'd out before shipment, so I can't really bitch too much.
Just gives me more focus and time to finish painting my home office, and getting the floors installed. Pretty happy with that, as I milled the flooring myself out of some rough cut hickory lumber. The goal is to get the flooring and re-sawn custom trim installed by end of the long weekend.
I'd say you're good. Back in the 80's one of my buddies had a Kramer that I ran into my Marshall 4x12....holy shit I could not believe the EVH sounds coming out of me. That guitar was really modeled over Eddie's sound. I actually couldn't make it not sound like EVH.
In the mean time, I enjoy "Wildwood Thursday" on YouTube with Greg Koch. If you're into guitars, I love this channel. Greg sells specific guitars in the Wildwood inventory, so some guitars have a 5 minute quick video showcasing it, but every week Greg hops on with a few guitars and just noodles and has fun. It's fucking glorious. Dude can play, and is insanely entertaining.
He also has some fun educational videos... like his "Chicken Picken" video from a few years ago. I watched that and a bunch of shit just CLICKED.
Seems like a fine spot to re-enter the tire chains discussion. I apparently need class s chains. And I can't put them on the front... which sounds so stupid considering I need to st33r my truck on this ice of which I speak. Oh, yeah,; I'm doing unk posting for the first time in years. I drank fireball like every hillbilly slut on the planet. Don't expect any responses to the likker snob posts tonight, I'll be nice and pss d out with a bellyful of cinnamon whiskey.
PREACH IT BROTHER. I can't wait for you to post how you threw up and it burned your nose. So where do you live that they have these restrictions? Never mind... it looks like Class S is more about the profile of the chains, not some legal requirement... so it might be that the front wheel geometry won't even support low-profile chains like the S. Don't know dude... buy a real truck? (Nah, I'm just being a dick because I did put my name on the factory order for my 3500HD today... woot!)