Been following a Winter Weather thread on another forum for over a week talking about this weekend and beyond. They were posting models earlier in the week showing single digit temps in Baton Rouge for Monday and anywhere from zero snow to 4-6 inches of snow, or 2-3 inches of frozen rain. Now, snow is not totally unheard of around here, before last year we had snow 3 of the 4 previous years. But ICE? That's some shit we are totally unprepared for. 2 years ago we were sent home early because bridges were closing due to icing. On my drive home I hit two tiny patches of black ice in the span of about 200 feet going 45 mph (in a 65 mph zone) I'm sure I heard my ass pucker shut each time. Work from home has been a blessing with zero downside for me and I'll count myself lucky that I don't have to worry about shoveling the driveway to go to work or tire chains in case of emergency.
Supposed to be 61* here tomorrow. FWIW Of course I'll be at work because we have (another) new painter and he's pretty slow and we're way behind. Happy V-day weekend idiots.
went to pick up Chili’s for dinner because my wife doesn’t understand the definition of “irony.” 10 minute drive each way, straight fucking ice. Heavy truck and good tires made me not pucker too much, but fuck if I’m going off the ranch for the next few days with idiots driving like that. what part of “left lane 80 mph YOLO” sounds fun to you fucking rednecks?
Dude, at the first forecast of snow you were supposed to rush out to the grocery store and empty the shelves. Milk and bread first of course. At least that's what happens around here in NC.
It's 19F and has been snowing since last night. I am enjoying a mango banana smoothie. What is wrong with me?
Absolutely nothing. Blender drinks inside when it's freezing outside is all good. Tomorrow night Steak and Pina Colada night.
Oh good. I don't know what to do with this weather. Instincts say soup and stews but my sweet tooth took over and all I had was freezer fruit.
Yes... sous vide, a bit under done, then finished with the cast iron with garlic butter. Complete with mushroom risotto. And a bottle or 3 of nice Aussie shiraz. Give or take.
Jealous of the grub. It sounds fabulous and my mouth is watering. I want a pic of your plate! We just watched Knives Out. Pretty fun watch, only complaint was the phoney southern accent. Anyone see it recently?
The current gf made me watch it, as it's one of her favorites. It was fun, and Ana de Amas isn't hard to look at. I'm house-hunting all weekend, which is about as fun as being the guest of honor in a hippopotamus gang bang. Fuck, I thought spending a quarter mil was supposed to be fun? My go-to cold weather food is ramen or pho. I'm still not clear on what we're cooking for the long weekend, but a good thick brisket seems to factor into these plans. I hate Valentine's day, even when I'm seeing someone. I've already drowned this poor woman in fried carbs, chocolate, THC, orgasms, lingerie and sex toys. For V-day, I swear to God, we're going to a museum, a book store and the gym. My "surprise" is a trip to Nordstrom and Lululemon. Date nerds, y'all. Way easier.
It’s the shit I’m tired of slogging through for three straight months. Actually I wouldn’t care so much if there weren’t so much of it and I had an easier time hauling firewood. This is the most snow we’ve had for the longest time in decades I believe. Ah well, it’s good for the water table I suppose. And speaking of guitars, we had a solid four hour practice with our two new people last night. My hands are feeling it, but I’m pleased at my playing, it seems stronger and better than before. My voice is another matter. Hopefully it’s just out of shape and not age related. Now to just hope our gigs don’t get canceled. The biggest one looks like it’s gonna fall through again this year.
She’s naked in almost everything she’s in, you don’t even have to be specific. “Knock Knock” flat-out exploits her (along with the director’s wife) but watching the movie is brain torture.