The girl-on-girl parts and her being full on naked in Knock, Knock were delightful, but that movie was so terrible and confusing that I didn't recommend it before. Like, I don't even recommend it for that. Just go on PornHub or whatever and find that scene.
Just a bit over 9'' of snow here. The ducks were hilarious when I let them out this morning. Wish I took a video. At a certain depth they just start paddling like they are in water.
I know just what you mean and it is hilarious. Snow doesn’t bother them at all. I on the other hand, just found out we could get another foot over the next few days. It might be time to hide the guns from me.
That was Eli Roth once again making a loose remake of one of his favourite movies, and shitting the bed while doing it. See also: Marcus Nipsel. He is honestly not a good filmmaker. What Tarantino sees in him I don’t know.
Woo Hoo! I just picked up the last stupidly expensive card needed to complete my 1962 Topps set (Actually a "Master Set"...I have all 100 or so variants of cards with multiple issues. I need just one more card to finish the set now.) Bob Uecker's rookie card (Star of Mr Belvedere for you TV watchers.)
That man was so ridiculously multi-talented and professional. He loved his show too much, he started committing suicide with cigarettes as soon as he retired.
Peacock has like 30 years of Carson shows. I tried watching one full show. I couldnt get into it. Humor geared towards the silent generation and earlier. Buddy Hackett did 5 minutes on his Vegas Show and his sex life in his 50s. It was an odd time capsule. Neat in that sense that whole decades with of shows dumped there for streaming.
I think going back and looking at comedians from back in the day is interesting. Stuff that was cutting edge for the time doesn't even register as funny let alone relevant. I still enjoy Carlin from time to time, but if you don't appreciate what he was doing or the context for his time and place, it might not even be funny anymore.
Some of Carlin's very early stuff is just bad. Hippy Dippy Weatherman and so forth. Then some of it is timeless, 'place for your stuff'. Comedy can be both really which is what makes it fascinating. Topical stuff can age poorly but comedy around human emotions seems to last forever. I remember watching the Charlie Chaplin scene from The Great Dictator where his Hitler knock off has a fantasy ballerina like dance with his huge world domination Globe. Hilarious 80 years later.
If you watch Lenny Bruce he won’t seem funny, but to every professional comic he’s Elvis and The Beatles combined. Largely because he was the first comic to not give a fuck, and would go to jail over and over again performing his act, that was as badass and heroic as it got. Carlin got his start as a comic opening for Bruce. Bruce was contacted by NBC to write them a sitcom, and he sent them a fully written, six-episode premiere season for a show called “The Lone Ranger Is A Fag” just to put the message across that he indeed did NOT want to be writing sitcoms (and making ten times his current salary) for a living. Another dated doesn’t-give-a-fuck is Dice. He seems sort of tame now of course, but back in the day he had guys like me and my friends in tears laughing, was the first comic EVER to sell out arenas and was banned by MTV and SNL— which now is a trophy to be proud of but back in the day was crazy to everyone.
I personally always found Dice to be cringey and unfunny. I know that it was a stage character and basically a bit that became successful. But all he did was remind me of my douche bag cousins from New York who are Jewish but tried to act like they were Italians from the jersey shore.
Someone asked for a pic of Steak Night. Well, that was tonight. Some risotto with some leftovers in the fridge, and some beef tenderloin. It didn’t suck.
That was our night. So tender a knife wasn’t required. AND it’s a holiday tomorrow. The most useless holiday of all, but I’ll take a paid day off.