All the “secede” morons are definitely eating crow these last few days. That said, even if a segment of population wants to do that, they don’t have the capacity to do it themselves. But maybe a little more compassion for people wouldn’t hurt.
It's not the average person's fault. With that said, my Twitter timeline right now is filled with nothing but, "The reason Texas is suffering right now is because of The Green New Deal and them forcing us to make power from solar and wind. Those liberals have ruined our state and are the cause of this." There's a lot I could say right now about this, but I'll just keep quiet in my nicely heated home in the Northeast running off geothermal.
My apartment is heated by solar. Not solar electricity, just... the sun. It's warm here is what I'm saying.
One of the things I struggle with is watching the conservative poor vote against their best interests over. And over. And over. I know it’s mired in a lot of political bullshit and cultural and historical context but the fact of the matter is that things like expanding access to healthcare and increasing minimum wage and funding social services are good for people who are otherwise marginalized. Public programs aren’t all perfect, and I don’t want anyone to suffer for voting republican, but it’s undeniably frustrating to me.
If people are wondering why Californians are all over Twitter dunking on Texas, this thread sheds some light:
How come no one is claiming God sent a winter storm to Texas because of Ted Cruz's "Kenny Powers' wrestler Dad" haircut? Seems the most logical explanation to me.
friendly reminder Joel osteen still hasn’t opened his church while people die in Houston from exposure
Just like Hurricane Katrina showed that Bush hates the Black people of Louisiana, this shows that Biden hates the Whites of Texas.
It’s remarkable how all of the constitutional scholars and infectious disease experts are now suddenly also energy experts.
I'm still mad that SNL didn't open their episode after Kanye went to visit Trump with a guest spot from Mike Myers saying "Kanye West doesn't care about black people."
I'm pretty sure that some of you would be a lot happier if you spent less time on Twitter. Trust me, you aren't going to miss anything important. I shoveled the driveway and sidewalk earlier today. When I went back inside and into the bathroom the lights were really dim and tinted red. It took me longer than I'd like to admit to realize that I wasn't having a stroke, it was just taking my eyes a while to adjust after partial snow blindness. While I was outside, the Amazon guy stopped and asked me to keep an eye on his truck while he delivered the packages in the cul-de-sac near me on foot because he'd already gotten stuck twice today. I've had a few things in my Amazon cart since Saturday, but I'm waiting to submit the order until this shit gets cleared up. If I'm not willing to go out in this, I'm not going to ask someone else to.
Our power went out right before we were going to put some homemade pizzas in the oven. We got a generator after last year's hurricane (I've already forgotten the name), but we can't run the stove off of that. Shit. Speaking of generators: does anybody else really hate these stupid "safety" gas cans that are almost impossible to pour from without deactivating some auto-lock feature every time?
We're at my mother-in-law's house for the storm that should hit early Thursday morning. They're forecasting an inch of ice in an area where ALL electric lines are aerial. We're fucked. There's no generator. There's no French press. There's no backup heat that isn't electric, no gas or wood stove or kerosene heater. No water without power. There's nothing here. The woman has embraced every mod-con there is, given up every backup plan, and I'm about to suffer through it. Making coffee over a fire in the driveway is what I think will piss me off most over the next few days, having to start a fire outside in the wee hours of the morning sounds delightful. If I don't hit her over her head with the useless Keurig, I'll be shocked.
I bought old school metal jerry cans with a funnel. And a crank syphon that works with them. Love them. I also bought some aftermarket vents for the plastic containers that help it pour properly. Fuck those “hose and vent in one” abominations. I think I got a dozen for $5. Worth it. Drill a small hole, screw this thing in, and you now have a proper fucking vent again.