For all the Canadians on the board, is it true that once the Queen dies all of your currency immediately becomes converted back into beaver pelts?
Take one look at that man and tell me how that is the pinnacle of human species. There is your supreme overseer of the Commonwealth, folks: A gangly old chimpanzee.
I just found out this is a book: There's fifteen of them. I downloaded #1 out of morbid curiosity. I'll let ya know.
The single easiest path to financial success as a writer is pumping out a high volume of formulaic erotica for niche fetishes. Some of those people are making a shitload of money. It doesn't have to be good or even particularly coherent. I've considered trying to put together an AI to generate the shit, but I feel like I don't want to have any association with those people, even if it is just to exploit them for profit.
No homo but I'm somewhat curious what that dong looks like. Is it like a red rocket like a dog? Is it like a gorilla where it's almost comically small for the beasts size?
The high water mark of this is Chuck Tingle. Google his book covers. Die laughing. Live in fear that the people actually turned on by this are probably more numerous than you think.
If Bigfoot is some kind of primate, he would probably have a primate dick that retracts into the body until it gets aroused. Then it’s sprouts a boner and comes for your butthole like a sex-nuts freight train.