They vary, more people wear them than they don't when walking around, but they wear them ineffectively significantly more often than the native population does. Where they _really_ stand out is when they're running. Motherfuckers need to wear their goddamned masks when they're jogging. I want to pop them in to the canals when they're doing that. Well, if you're not black you at least have a chance of walking out of there alive...
They say your odds of actually dying in a tornado are pretty low. But what if there’s two of them? And they’re both large? And headed directly for your house.
I make them frozen. 2 shots tequila, about a cup of grapefruit juice, and a tablespoon of lime juice go in the blender. When blended, I take some Aperol and then just add it to the top (salted glass). The Aperol gets mixed in and just adds a little something. I don't add much. I'll take some pics next time I make some and post. I'll take these over a margarita now if given a choice.
When I was in high school I asked the principal while we were standing in the parking lot for a fire drill, what should we do if the school caught on fire during a tornado warning. He assured me that it couldn't happen because of the geography of the area.
I googled urethane masks and came up with confusing results. Can you point a dumb guy in the right direction? Because this 12 - 14 hours a day in a mask in a 90 degree greenhouse while putting in 12 - 18 miles a day is getting real old and something more breathable would be awesome.
I wear a gaiter and it’s pretty breathable not sure how much it helps but it beats the paper mask. I also feel for nurses and such who drink sodas a bunch. I’m not sure if it’s the zero cal pop or my stomach acid but burping in a mask redirects the noxious gas directly into my eyeballs which stings like crazy. Meaning to ask my doctor if that is normal...
I'm not really concerned with it working at this point so much as the appearance. This past month has been a wild experience watching the difference in people's feelings about the whole covid19 thing. We got the go-ahead to open by the state 30 days ago. In the last 30 days around 120,000 people have come through the place. We decided, unlike many neighbors, to be as compliant as possible. We've instituted all the go-to recommended procedures in regards to sanitizing shopping carts, plexiglass barriers, hand sanitizer everywhere, etc. We've also complied with the states requirement that customers where mask to the degree that we hired security to work the door and enforce the situation. We've experienced everything from the Muh Liberty crowd showing up armed demanding entrance without a mask because of their constitutional rights to the people that throw an absolute fit at the customer service counter because they saw someone pull their mask down in the store and we're not doing enough to parent everyone. It's been interesting. Most interesting though from my perspective is I expected there to be some downfall in business due to unemployment being skyrocket high and there being so much uncertainty about what is going to happen to the economy as a whole and we largely sell a decorative plant crop that no one really needs. Fuck, it's been the total opposite. It's like they can't go out to eat and they can't go to the casino and they can't get their haircut so they are just itching to spend. We dropped the security style enforcement and went to just signs making it clear masks are required in store by the state because it's the most anyone else seems to be doing in the area and traffic really slows after Memorial Day. I'd say without the strict enforcement about 15% of the people walking in don't wear one.
Today I picked up a whole set of new lawn tools from the local Stihl dealer. They had a sale on their electric stuff, so I went and got a new battery powered mower, trimmer, and blower, all with their own battery. They all use the same battery, which is great, and I picked up a spare "floater" for cheap as part of the deal. I have to say I'm really impressed with the stuff... just mowed my entire front/back on less than a quarter of a battery, and it was crazy quiet... the neighbours didn't even hear it. There's been nothing but rave reviews of their new battery tech, so I figured now is as good a time as any to switch most of my stuff from gas to electric. The only gas stuff I have left now is the high-pressure washer and my leaf vacuum.
What's the fun i mowing the grass if you don't leave a trail of two stroke fumes and shattered ear drums behind you?
That's what the leaf vacuum is for... it's fucking obnoxious. And every now and then I fire up the chainsaw to do some Alaskan Milling in the driveway... that's always a fun time for the neighbours. Never mind the 8HP wood chipper that I don't need but love to run in my half-acre back yard. THAT thing sounds like some medieval siege engine that belches fire. Especially when I dropped something metalic in there and it bent the flywheel guard a bit so then it started to thrash on itself at high speeds and scary amounts of flywheel momentum/power.
I have the EGO version of the battery operated lawn things. Mower, blower, weed whacker, etc. They are really good for what they are. I still use my riding mower for most things as my property is just too big to be doing with a push mower, but there are some spots the riding mower can't easily get to and I use the other one. Very quiet, long lasting battery, charges to full in like 2 hours. They also have universal fit batteries, but they do come in different AH which makes a difference in how long they last in different pieces of equipment.
If you're having a hard time finding them, I'll try to find some in stores and I can sent them out to people at cost.
STIHL is one of those brands that keeps it simple. In this day and age they STIHL put out a yearly calendar with insanely hot women in skimpy clothing featuring their equipment. A bygone tradition that warms the cockles of my heart. Back in the day everyone did it, my uncle's paper product company had a bikini calendar.
Got a link for the exact one? I’m in the market for a new mower. My lawn takes 2 hours to mow so whatever cuts it down quicker is better.
Boy bet I that is quiet enough to be weird having heard carbureted and 2 strokes mowers your whole life. I tell you just having an electric start for our new gas mower takes a good chunk out of the dread of cutting the lawn.