yeah man, that smacks to me like a prodigy violinist who picked up another instrument and figured it out. No Joy, stone-faced, just execution. If the Foo Fighters put her on between sets, she'd get weird, since doing that should be joyous. The roar of a crowd might break her brain.
One more. Here she is at 6. This blows the cuteness meter right off the charts. (And just to up the difficulty meter on this piece, I don't think she speaks English. She is now posting guitar lessons on youtube, but they're all in Japanese.) I think all the other guitar players on the board will agree with me on this: Her pinky dexterity is amazing. I avoided using my pinky as much as possible for years when I started, I was in my teens before I finally forced myself to start using it. Enjoy probably the cutest thing you'll see today:
That would be my only criticism of the Canon in D piece also. It's a very mechanical, almost robotic, performance, One would hope that in time she will find her way to put her joy and own personality into the music instead of just playing by rote. Technically it's correct, but it's missing a human element that ultimately makes music so wonderful.
Hellllooo first cold in years. Now that we're going out and about, kiddo picked something up and I just got it myself. So happy Memorial Day I suppose.
hahaha, i thought i had a good immune system until i had kids. It was all good until the first one started going to day car at 1 year old.
I know that Memorial Day is about the fallen soldiers but I'm being selfish this year. I needed this 3 day weekend in a bad way. On Saturday we went on a nice hike up in the foothills, saw some waterfalls, came home and vegged out. Yesterday we took the boat out for a bit, stopped by a winery and then went to a buddies bbq. Got a 2+ mile walk in this morning to get some coffee and now have the rest of the day to lounge around the pool and maybe grill something later. Also slept in to 8am every morning. It was glorious.
I don't know how you single people do it, how you make it without a person by your side. My wife just had to remove a tick from the crack of my ass. Without her, my choices would have been go to the doctor or wait for it to fill up and fall off. I couldn't get it, I tried before I involved her.
I have been addicted to this song for weeks. This is not the best quality version, but I love the acoustic and improv feel of it. First heard it while watching this really wonderful show on Amazon, "Loudermilk". Starring everyone's favorite, maybe not if you are a "Sex and the City" fan, Ron Livingston. Couldn't decide whether to put this in the TV Thread or Music Thread, so you have it here. Thought it might be a good counter-point to the adorable videos @toytoy88 posted. Cause this girl has some real emotion and soul. Happy Memorial Day, Idiots!
You must be more country than me, for the life of me, I can't figure out how a stick would help. In my younger days, I probably would have tried to get it to release by pressing a heated knife on it. Carefully, of course.