Asps are the worst. Scorpions creep me the fuck out, but asp stings are the worst. I say this despite a 6 inch section of my arm still being swollen and burning from the red wasp sting. Asps are on a different level
Had no idea what an "asp" was. Had to look it up and surprised something that cute can cause that kind of pain. One lady said she got bit on the ankle and she thought she broke it.
The south flannel moth larvae.They have burrs underneath them that if they brush you will give you a long-lasting burning pain “that is beyond belief”. As in more painful than a bullet ant bite. They will fuck you up.
First time I got stung by one, I was jumping over a fence and planted my hand right on top of it. All of my weight pivoting over the palm of my hand, which was directly on top of the asp. Snapping my fibula in two was the second most painful experience of my life. Running the final 8 miles of the London Marathon on a broken foot was the third. Getting stung by an asp was the singular most painful experience.
When I was about 13, an asp somehow fell off of a tree into my shirt. It stung me on my left shoulder blade. I'll shrug off a bee or wasp sting, but an asp is no joke.
y'all getting the scorpions real bad down there? They've started coming out like crazy here. Worst sting I got from one was when I left my jeans on the floor and didn't shake them out enough before putting them on. A very pissed off scorpion was in the crotch region, and let me tell ya, you don't know surprise until you get stung by a scorpion on the dick. From then on I've been religious about always hanging my jeans up somewhere, even if I'm gonna wear them again. Always turn your shoes or boots over and shake them out before putting them on as well. Learned that lesson the hard way too.
If I ever live in an area where I have to worry about scorpions stinging my junk, this sign is going up the next day.
This is fantastic. Man is supposed to be at a hearing for the charges of driving with a suspended license. Man is allowed to appear before Judge via Zoom for this hearing. Man appears for hearing on Zoom. From his car. While driving to the doctor. Man asks the Judge to wait a minute, so he can park and be ready for the hearing. Man is totally shocked when Judge denies bond and issues bench warrant.
Hahha. That man was so upbeat, ready to get these errands and trial done, just attacking his to-do list. Then poof, going to jail, and has to find someone to drive him there.
That is the first time in a long time I laughed out loud at a video clip. You can SEE the defendant's brain slowly try to figure out what was happening. The pubic defender does a great job trying to help him by answering the judge's question the way she did... "yes, that's the charge, judge" "no, that's not what I asked... is his license currently suspended?" "yes judge" client:"hold on, I'm just pulling in right now". "bond revoked, off to jail" Watching everyone in the court try to not laugh out loud was hilarious.
She thought on her feet pretty well. As soon as she saw him dial in from the car, she immediately attempted to get the judge to delay the hearing before looking at the case. I assume she was hoping he'd just grant the reschedule on autopilot without considering anything further.
Right to jail. Also, the Man's "oh my god" reaction was just an absolutely gold medal in the reaction olympics.
I'm surprised she didn't text him "Hey, your connection seems to be breaking up. Why don't you hang up and dial back in 5 minutes?" I wonder if the penalty for being late was less than "right to jail."
There was no saving it. She had no way to subtly do that - "hold on judge, while I send a quick text and in the meantime just watch my client drive on video"? Her only prayer was to get the hearing rescheduled without the judge noticing or thinking too hard about the case details. She took her shot.
Geez, what a dipshit. Over all the years that my license was suspended, whenever I would have to go to court or probation, I would always park a few blocks away and walk the rest of the way. That way, no one important saw me driving. Never got busted.