Were you super close or using a turkey choke to keep a tight pattern? I'm assuming it was just a sport clay load, right? I hope you're not using high brass 4s or 6s on a fucking snake with ammo prices the way they are right now.
birdshot from about 2 feet away, standing in the back of the UTV. I think I had in a modified choke? Pattern doesn’t really matter when you’re that close though. Might as well be shooting a cut shell at that point
"Meanwhile, in Texas, a cowardly man killed a small snake with a shotgun, then bragged about it on the internet, possibly while stroking his penis. We will wait for further details." I don't see a rattle on that thing, 'Nerds.
it was a rat snake. But I have tiny dogs and young kiddos playing not far from it. I’m happy to let snakes be, but not when they’re a danger to my family
That tells you everything you need to know about that snake. It was NEVER a danger to your family or pets. You just killed some free pest control in an effort to look like a badass. For the record, I've lived around rat snakes my whole life, and I've never been bitten by one.
wasnt trying to look like a badass. I get that you like snakes. I do too, generally. I have a snake tattoo even. But when they’re close to my family and pets, I’m erring on the side of caution rather than cool. I have been bitten (surprised?) by stepping on one accidentally. It wasn’t the end of the world, but it wasn’t a pleasurable experience. Not something I want around my house.
Hey 'Nerds, you want to know what kind of animal I've been bitten by A SHITLOAD of times? Annoying, yip-yap little dogs. I am not joking around by any stretch of the imagination Lots of times, right in front of the owners, and the owners usually just blow it off. If it were up to me, I'd shoot every Chihuahua, pug, etc. that I could. Fucking worthless dogs. But if I did that, suddenly everyone thinks I'm an asshole. One last question before we take this to PM: have you ever had an encounter with a snake that didn't result in you: A) Killing it B) It "getting away" because you didn't have a weapon, or were otherwise unable to kill it C) Running away like a little bitch because you didn't have a weapon to kill it with You don't have to answer on this thread, you can PM me.
yeah there are a few laws about that in Texas. Endangered or protected species basically. And even if it was one, the whole “in my yard, near my children” thing would have covered me.
If it’s not near the house where my kiddos are, I let it be yes. Like if we’re fishing at the creek and see a snake, we just move. keeping this public because I feel like a lot of people can relate to protecting their family, and kiddos especially.
I would leave that kind alone, next time 'nerds. They aren't a danger to your family, and will kill mice and rats that could bring disease to your family.
Check this shit out: it's Li'l Bandit, AS A KIDDO, holding a wild rat snake! Spoiler Yeah, it's a real threat to him. Also, can you post a better shot of the dead snake? I'm having trouble identifying it.
Loop Daddy dropped a new live feed featuring Madison McFerrin.... you know, Bobby's 28 year old daughter. It was pretty chill! Go to 15:55 for her to join. Then I wondered what Bobby was doing, and holy shit... dude is 71. WTF.
Happy Mother’s Day to all of you mom’s. And happy mothers day to you mothers out there. You know who you are.
Say it with me @Revengeofthenerds , "I will change and become a 'relocator'." That is ruling over the animal kingdom like a true king. Catching or trapping, and then moving the animal where it can live out its life. Animals being animals near you shouldn't be a death sentence. Unless it's venomous, of course.