What the bouquet looked like on ftd.com: What arrived for my wife today: I got a full refund...first time in 20+yrs ordering flowers for mother's day, birthdays, etc., where I had an issue like this.
Earliest on record for us having 100+ temp days consecutively. And people say climate change isn't real. Anyway...
I'm a very fair weather dude with everything I do. Buddy of mine went camping on the coast some time back and his pics it was windy, wet and cold. My thoughts were "why the fuck are you there?!" That was crazy! I had to do a double take when I saw the "21" on the horse as it was coming up the rail. Watching the aerial replay of the jockey maneuvering the horse through the pack was amazing.
They found more human remains in the receding waters of Lake Mead. Big surprise. I'm surprised they haven't found more in the desert as the city expanded with all the building that's gone on here since the 80's.
I'm usually pretty good about cussing in front of my kids, but I screamed, "holy shit, look!", when Rich Strike clearly passed for the lead. I definitely don't feel bad about the lost cash. I'd pulled it out of crypto profits, profits that would have been gone today anyway. Life's funny like that.
40% of Bitcoin owners are underwater, which makes the average Bitcoin owner more likely to be underwater than a body in Lake Meade.
The savings on baby formula buying from Costco was ridiculous compared to every other retailer. That was years ago, don't know what the price difference is now. You know that trucking companies that haul baby formula often have armed security escorts?
We order it through my wife's work and she gets a decent discount on it, but we had to go out and get some because we were running low and there was a 2 day gap between running out and when the next shipment arrived. My wife had to go to 4 different stores just to find it.