I work with so many crypto fanatics that think it's the future... the whole "fuck the man" approach to de-fi. Now that they were almost wiped out with Luna, etc, they're in shock how it could happen in a matter of hours/days. Gee... it's almost like a few VERY large fish have a lot of control over the price of crypto. When you have a few large investors see the writing on the wall and then rush to offload hundreds of thousands of bitcoin, that has an impact. Shocking, I know.
"But... but... stablecoin! It's right in the name! How can it...?" https://www.forbes.com/sites/steven...les-to-regain-its-dollar-peg/?sh=73154f534c1f
i wonder how many idiots are yelling BUY THE DIP ? speaking of dips though, I’m glad I was paying attention to jump on that GME one … I hope I’m not one of those idiots
Dude, you know me... I'm retarded and all in on GME. Today alone they had 4 halts of trading "due to volatility". All of the MSM is screaming "get out! it's over! everyone is selling! don't be the only one left holding the bag!" and yet retail is not selling, they are buying. Screams desperation to me. I mean, if they did cover/close their shorts, why is everyone so fucking worried about GME? Why do we always hear what a bad idea it is from the MSM? If what they say is true, it doesn't matter. And Citadel is under investigation by the DOJ. And there's a stock split via dividend coming up. And Bill Hweng just went to jail for doing the reverse swap shit that it seems Citadel is doing. On top of it all, my own company's stock has hit a 52 week low of $29. Down from $210 at the high. And I'm not worried.
If the MSM is screaming sell, there’s a very compelling reason they’re pushing that narrative. i initially jumped into it with a few bucks the idea I might make enough off it to one day afford my dream gun. Then some things happened with work, and i was finally able to afford it (that lever action), and then added the colt revolver a few weeks later. At this point my measly 5 shares are lottery tickets. curious what happens after that stock split and dividend
I think it'll happen before that. There is a reason they are trying to drive the price down as low as it is... all the buying being routed to dark pools, all the selling/shorting on the lit exchanges. They are trying to reduce their margin requirements, and at SOME point, one of them is going to have to try and start covering. I think that happens way before they have to go to Computershare and say "hey, I need X shares to cover my client ledgers"... because that math will not work out with the number of shares being released. And some brokers have a clause that says they have the option to provide a cash-equivalent value of a stock dividend. Even that should be a kick to the nuts to their margin requirements. It will be a lot of fun, regardless.
this thread might actually be… what’s the word kids these days use…. Lit? This thread might be lit when that happens
I'll see your retardation and raise it the one share I bought for $360 because I wanted to participate. I bought a few more today to average down because everything was in the toilet today in the hopes that it will go back up a bit and I can exit the position with some semblance of dignity.
Dude... there is such a fire sale on right now for so many stocks that are well below their reasonable prices.
The autistic part of my brain has been wanting to throw 10 grand at TQQQ all day, but the part that wants to be able to pay the mortgage next month has been winning so far.
I knew I should have been watching more women's college softball. Spoiler: NSFW ETA: That's men's baseball not women's softball. My bad.
I am still buying in the whole down turn, but it can be hard when my investments are shown on the splash page once I have logged into my accounts, though I did cut down how much by 30% to keep more in cash as Jägerette's job is not as recession proof as mine. However I had a bunch of long term open orders on stocks I had placed a while back as I figured they would eventually hit bargin price points with the down turn in the markets at some point in the future and I wouldn't have to think about it. Then I got a notification last week that several of them had been executed and all I could think was "WTF did Russia do?". Apparently some citigroup trader fucked up an order and caused a flash crash that hit the stock market here in Sweden hard, and then everything immediately bounced back. That poor fellow is probably on the bread line, but I'm now down only 1% for the year now. Edit: 3% actually. Goddamn was a tech heavy Morgan Stanley fund a fucking awful idea.
Do it. TQQQ is a sure bet. (But probably not). It sounds like Musk’s Twitter purchase until his side can independently verify Twitter’s estimation of the percentage of fake accounts against total users. Also, it’s completely unrelated to the fact that the tech stocks are crashing harder than John Denver into a mountain.