And then a splash of soylent blue smacked your ass. Lucky you. I can envision you, nekkid, outside the porta-potty turning around like a dog chasing his (her) tail, trying to see the damage. lol
On the plus side, I didn't have to lick my ass like a dog since I always carry wet wipes in my purse.
Not really, it's just a normal ADL for people in the construction industry. Go in the blue sauna and sweat off five pounds, replenish the weight with beer every night.
I had to change my kid's diaper in the men's room at Gillette Stadium a few weeks ago. I wanted to cry.
Splashback from a portajohn? Jesus, what kind of monster shits are you taking that would splash tha- oh, it’s you.
Good grief, we're all picturing 'wildered naked, but can we do it in the Boobie or Booty thread instead?
I took a portapotty out of commission in one of the starting corrals at the London Marathon. My need was dire, and it was absolutely wrecked afterward. Heard from several in our group that no one else entered and it was later taped off. Wish someone got pictures.
You haven't seen fear in another human's eyes until you've been in Iraq watching someone frantically trying to doff their full battle rattle, knowing they're about to dive into a port-a-jon that "third country nationals" thoroughly wrecked by standing on the seat to shit. Even better if the last wind storm knocked it over.
I hate pissing in those things, but know the desperation you speak of. This past spring, my stomach was in full rebellion from something I ate and there is was, along a state highway at a pull off. Turned out it was just a fart. But I know damned well if I rolled the windows down and lifted a leg to squeak one out, I'd have shit myself good.
I’ve worked so many construction sites that I’ve simply gotten used to it. There’s a certain amount of discretion and strategy involved (try to use them during the cooler part of the day, if there are multiple port-o-johns scope out the best one, poop on pre-existing poop/floatables to minimize backsplash etc) but you do what you’ve got to do.
Actually measured the amount of Coffeemate hazelnut creamer that I put in my coffee and yowzers! I'm having about 420 calories a day of just fake milk creamer.