The impact set off the hairbag.
I showed my daughter Die Hard with a Vengeance. You want to see a girl’s jaw drop, show them the opening scene of that movie. I forgot how realistic it was.
Well, she started cracking up when the G yells “ What. The. FUCK?!?!?!” I also had to explain the concept of gentrified-assed Harlem once being a “rough neighbourhood”.
it's tied to a cotton shortage due to a combination of lack of fertilizer (Russia/Ukraine produces most of it), as well as a drought in Texas, producing a cotton shortage. Though yes, I get the joke. Now would be a great time for synthetic cotton or some such. I posted an article about it to my FB to give people a heads up and I got way too many responses along the lines of "thank god for IUDs!"
look, I don’t understand how these things work. Im just throwing shit against the wall to see what sticks because we’re about to have a pandemic of women on their periods unable to hide it okay? I would assume the cotton issues extend to pads as well, so if you need me I’ll be in hiding
It's all a devious plan to counteract the Work From Home movement... make it so they don't want to be at home. Best case, all the hybrid model timetables sync up.
Back to heavy wool underwear that you wash out. Or go stand in the ocean and let it flow. Hope the sharks don't show up.