I thought I'd seen it all as far as names go, and then I receive a resume from a "LaQuatro." Seriously people, if you have the opportunity to name a child, there's millions of names to pick from. Beautiful names, unique in a non-crazy-way names, meaningful names, strong names. Just for heavens fucking sake don't pick a stupid name.
I have met kids named Aries, Quantilla, Bruklyn ( a special spelling of Brooklyn I guess ) Azriel, and countless others that left me shaking my head. What me is when you mispronounce it, or ask them to clarify it, they or their parents act like YOU'RE the idiot.
I know someone named Shonn. If you condemn your child to spelling out their name to every person they speak to for the rest of their life, you're probably an asshole.
My wife's idiot yuppie brother and sister-in-law named their kid Jayden. You know, just to make sure their kid is the high school weed dealer.
I think I've mentioned it on here before, but I've met and interviewed multiple people named "Tequila." One girl got very upset when I pronounced her name like the liquor. Uhm.... it's spelled that way? My bad lady, maybe you should take it up with your parents. Where I live, the majority of the city is Hispanic, and I'm the lucky gringo who can't roll his Rs (unfortunately my minority status as a Caucasian didn't help me with colleges). I get sympathy looks for trying though.
Call me crazy, but I honestly don't get what's wrong with Jayden. This reminds me though of the dumbass English names Chinese girls I met took. Some were normal. Others were unbelievably stupid. I met multiple girls who settled on things like Kitty, for example. I guess they at least had something of an excuse though, considering their English was kind of shit.
I would go for the cool celebrity alt-name for my next kid. Perhaps go with Dracula or Richard Milhous.
Jayden is just a weak guy name. Might be cute while they are in rompers not so much when they are on their third domestic violence lock up.
(sigh)....my Actual first name is Wilder. After awhile, it's not that YOU'RE name is different, its just the same CONVERSATION you have to have around it.....good luck checking into anything with it..
And everyone thinks they’re being so original right? It’s the same jokes over and over.... Or do they get Wilder with time?
Names don’t seem to mean shit anymore. You may as well name your kid Dental Floss just to see if they achieve some sort of fame (or even become a real estate agent), then they’ll have to post their name on billboards everywhere. Does anybody here know somebody that used a Geek Culture name for their kid? Like something out of Game Of Thrones, or Annakin or Spock or some shit? Just tattoo a target on that kid while you’re at it.
I laughed heartily at all the people who named their daughter Khaleesi from one of the earlier seasons. And then when she became a genocidal psychopath and all their kids are basically named after a fictional female hitler.
One of my friends in college was a big fan of the Wheel of Time series and I agreed to go with him to a signing for the author finishing up the series after Robert Jordan died. Everyone there had named their kids and/or their pets after some stupid character from the books, or some other fantasy series. I couldn't believe these people were for real. Man, I thought I knew dorks, but that was something else. You haven't truly met the biggest losers the world has to offer until you've been to some fantasy, or scifi event. Those people live for nothing else.
People-watching is generally the top reason to go to Fan Expo or ComiCon. But those things have some fun, cool shit to see at them too. I think the highest my Creep-O-Meter’s mercury ever hit was when I walked into a Magic: The Gathering tournament. I had to bite my tongue from screaming “DID NOT ONE YOU HAVE A DAD THAT PLAYED CATCH WITH YOU?!?!! SELL YOUR BLOOD!!!”
My grand dughters are named Ayla and Naia, supposadly from The Clan of the Cave Bear, a book I have somehow been able to avoid so far. The best/worst name I ever heard of was D. B. My neighbor was in the army with this guy. He rfefused to tell what D. B. stood for until just before their first paraschute jump," go airborne". They both got so drunk he spolled the beans - D. B. stood for Darling Baby.
Li'l Bandit went to school with a girl named Ayla. I don't know if she was named after the character or not.