They watch the news 24/7. Facebook when they aren’t watching tv. Get all hyped up on anger and doom and gloom. Then they John Wick some 16 year old girl.
Actually use the second amendment to depose a dictator threatening the future of this country? Fuck no. Shoot someone asking for help? Fuck yes! God bless America
Yeahhhhhhh…….When we said everybody was allowed to own a gun, we didn’t mean everybody. What we really meant was that most people can have guns, where as others should be criminalized by police and feared by the CIA. And when it comes to owning guns, let’s face it— deer use guns mostly for crime, where as foxes primarily use guns for hunting and/or home protection.
Yeah, I get it... but in my mind 2 unarmed dudes walked up to the guy's house and got blasted... when in actual fact THERE WAS A FIRE FIGHT!
It’s too bad they weren’t playing Crokinole instead, an even score would have cancelled them all back to zero.
Spoiler I've been working on some tabletop displays and got this done today. I'm thrilled with how they turned out! I bought 3 decorative floating wall shelves and had to build the bottoms.
Very cool! It’s almost like we need a permanent Professional Arts and Crafts thread for the stuff you do.
Happy Friday all y'all. Fuck the bullshit politics, I hope everyone is having a nice, enjoyable night at home. For me, I'm enjoying the run-up into the 24 hours of Daytona that happens this weekend... the carnage of the MX-5 race is already worth the price of admission. The start was a bit of a cluster fuck.
fucking hell... what a cluster fuck into the first corner, first lap There's a famous old saying... you can't win the race in the first corner of the first lap, but you sure can lose it.
Soooo many emergency vehicles. Soooo much carnage. Turns out that there was only 15 mins of racing in a scheduled 45 min race.
Just wanna say this is the only time I’ve ever heard the word “Crokinole” outside of the lyrics to “King of Spain”
It was a common cottage game back in the day... big fucking board comes out from behind the couch and takes over the kitchen table... drinking and fun for the rest of the night. Waking up with sore fucking fingernails with a major "WTF happened?" the next morning was common.