Who needs a hangover when you can instead try out a pulsing caffeine headache complete with body aches and noise sensitivity? I am too much of a puss to drink my coffee black and I ran out of milk. First cup at 11am is rough. On the plus side, this is the worst thing that has happened all week. So there's that.
Anyone else happily buzzed at 7pm tonight? Nice relaxing weekend so far... super pumped for my trip to Japan this week... went out and got myself a new wardrobe today for the occasion.
I’ve gained a whole new level of respect for my alcohol tolerance for not failing me last summer when my blood volume was 2-4 pints low and I was drinking with my brothers and sister after my aunt’s funeral. Also hi y’all. Also my boobs are settling in and now they don’t match. Also I’m having that fixed in April.
So this is pretty fucking crazy... an Elk that got killed when it was pinned against a tree during an avalanche.
Decided to do the whole dry January thing, so no. Next Friday, however, I plan on being full blown drunk by 7.
I adore my husband. he let my 3 yo watch the beginning of Infinity War. i dont know why. No. Goddamn. Clue. but now my kid is knee deep in a tantrum that's lasted over twenty minutes because I'm not letting him watch Infinity War. Because it's not for three year olds. And The Husband is at work for another 30 minutes plus a 30 minute drive home. Which is good because I kinda want to choke him right now because rather than handling whatever the fuck was going on the other night he let my toddler watch a movie he KNEW would create issues later. I'm about to go to the pot shop and buy something so I can maybe not be so irritated.
I must be a bad dad, my 3 year old has watched infinity war with me, she likes Thanos for some reason. The flip side of that is she thinks Moana is a scary movie, so who knows. I’ll be having a cocktail and watching old Veep episodes tonight.
Mine hasn't yet figured out how to NOT turn into destruction boy after stuff like that and it gets a little crazy with him and the dogs. Otherwise I'd be okay.
I mean if they were trying to blow up a space shuttle with astronauts inside, some might call it a success. Can you not be such a Gloomy Gus about it?
....And the jokes that came with it: Q: What does “NASA” stand for? A: Need Another Seven Astronauts.