Now THERE is a profession with just too many goddamn people opting for their slice from the same pie. My friend is an agent, he spent fucking thousands renting a full-sized billboard here in town with him in one of those typically douchey-looking real estate agent ads. You know, when they try to look like an 80’s J Crew model. He drove us down to show it to us and we spent nearly a half hour on that the spot making fun of how gay and utterly perverted he looked in the photo. My friend was directing passers-by to laugh at it: “Hey look, folks! Gary Glitter sells houses in the Forest City!!!” It was as merciless as it was necessary. NEVER ask your close friends to judge you in any way if you’re a dude. It won’t end well.
Just watched Abducted In Plain Sight on Netflix. It’s the most whacked out documentary I’ve ever seen. Might be the worst parents of all time.