I would take full credit if my tits ever looked that fine. But alas. My pregnant ass is looking...not like anything like that breasty enchantress. + More accurate.
NBA player and person who should have access to a trainer, or at least a basic knowledge of how to not fuck themselves up lifting weights, Lonzo Ball, released a video of himself attempting to fuck himself up with insanely horrible form while lifting weights Somewhere his agent his got a call from his team's GM reminding him that Lonzo's next contract is gonna have a "no home gym unsupervised" clause.
I don't think the obesity thing is entirely linked to just unhealthy eating, I think the bigger problem is portion size and being forced fed food when you were younger way past the calories you actually needed. When I would go to my grandmothers house it would be, "Let me clean out my fridge and you eat all of it. Here's some *insert Italian meat* I just made, eat that too." Nonstop. When I was home as a kid, I hardly ever went out to eat fast food, but my mom would cook meals and just pile food on my plate. Making chicken breast with teriyaki sauce and veggies? Have 1.5lbs of chicken, 3 cups of rice, and a lb of veggies. Can't leave the table until you finish your plate. That was pretty much a constant at every meal. Those kind of learned habits are very hard to break when you get older.
This right here. At both my grandparents house, where I spent a lot of time, and home, this was the rule. “Clean your plate.” And your ass say there until you did. Throwing food away was a mortal sin to the older generation who survived the Depression. To this day, I cringe when I see our sons throw food away, but I vowed never to force them to eat everything. Or even if they don’t like what I made. Fuck it then, make some Ramen or a sandwich yourself. The other thing is the shit that’s in processed foods. When I worked at the doctors office and managed the people he saw for his weight program I did some research. The rate of obesity and the rate of high decries corn syrup went hand in hand. Add to that the rise of both parents working, need for fast easy meal prep, and Bobs yer uncle. But there IS a lot of unhealthy food choices being made out there either because people are too ignorant or just don’t care. I could go in and on about what I see at the grocery stores but I’ll spare you that rant.
Obesity is linked to sugar intake. Whether natural or processes, that’s shit is in everything. My mom used to give us Juicy Juice when I was little. The commercials used to say, “Real fruit juice.” In reality, a glass of that shit has more sugar than a Coke. Lots of shit got away with that. Plus the food pyramid bullshit that was beaten into everything. Carbs and sugar.
I remember even as a kid thinking it'd be hard to eat the recommended 11 servings of bread/pasta a day. With fruits they had upwards of 15 servings of carbs daily recommendations. That was the healthy recommendations. Add processed sugars into everything. SHHHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiT.
Yeah, sugar is a killer. It is addicting and a hard one to kick. I feel so sad for kids I see who are obese. It is totally diet related and what the fuck does a child know about diet? I am a self professed sugar hound and I've kicked the habit before, but it is hard at first. Takes a good 2-3 weeks to not have hard cravings if I make a strict effort to nix it. I also noticed that artificial sweeteners were dumping my blood sugar worse than actual sugar (I am hypoglycemic if I don't eat well). I've tried using sweet n low in coffee and tea and it was noticeable. These days I do honey or white sugar in beverages. It's still sugar but it doesn't trick my body with no calories that cause me to dump insulin and be starving and hangry within an hour. That food pyramid is seriously wack. Unless you are hugely active, carbs are not that important. To me, carbs for the regular person should be more a vehicle for fiber. I mean, they are delicious. I love bread especially. But it is way closer to a want than a need.
One of those things I think everyone should be required to maintain a low carb diet for a least one month. There was such a stark difference in my body when I first tried the primal diet a few years back it was hard to fathom. Indigestion and heartburn vanished, my food cravings dropped off a cliff, and I was actually satiated after a reasonable portion of food. I can remember I used to eat huge spaghetti dishes (Cincinnati chili is a huge spaghetti dish around here) feeling painfully full but still have food cravings afterward. When I can maintain a low carb diet long enough eating a slice of pizza, plate of spaghetti, or bowl of ice cream makes me feel like absolute shit. It was a big wake up call on how my diet affects my physical well being even in the moment.
Remember when they used to pawn off pizza as healthy? “It’s has grains! Dairy! Vegetables AND meats! What more could you ask for?” ... combine it together, it’s still a 2500 calorie wheel of grease.
I need carbs. Especially after the gym or endurance work, my body is just on E and I gotta re-fuel. A protein shake or two, a ton of veggies, then I just go ham with pasta or bread or whatever. Pizza is a way I can get it all at once -- there's a good place up the road that does it handmade with olive oil on the bread, I get the one with arugula and prosciutto and some kind of cheese. Half a pie for dinner with a protein shake, rest of the pie and another protein shake before bed. I can't keep weight on me unless I eat like it's my job. Used to have the opposite problem with weight until I stopped drinking and started exercising, and now my metabolism is just absolutely destructive if I'm not constantly eating. It's really fucking annoying.
I just need meat at some point. Not so much carbs for me but you could not make me feel full or satisfied after a vegetarian meal if it were fed to me using a Se7en-style “gluttony Murder” method. I have not one thing against vegetarians. The tend to never be pretentious or egotistical as the you-know-fucking-whos with their fucking dreadlocks and protest blockades. But I don’t know how they do it. I tried a no-meat plan like so many adults do and I was just moody like a hypoglycaemic, because I had an itch I couldn’t scratch. Unhappy. That is not for me. Beef: it’s what’s for dinner (cue fiddle music). Or eggs, eggs are my favourite food in the world.
Usually I only fill the propane up once a year, this time I may have to fill it up before June given how much use it’s getting. The family couldn’t be more happy, every single thing about grilling at home is better than to go risk your intestines at Montana’s or other assorted middlebrow hackery. Do you hate when you’re eating in a restaurant and you just think to yourself “ I could be cooking a steak twice as good as this right now. For three times as cheap. While drinking beer/smoking outside. Listening to MY MUSIC.”
Thought that too until I had ducks. I ate so many of those eggs I got sick of them. Again. First time I got sick of eggs was after my surgery. Lost 15 lbs in 5 days in the hospital, and a lot more while at home and basically a vegetable for 3 months. During that time I ate so much in an attempt to keep myself from wasting away -- it was horrible, one of the few times I cried during it, I was taking a shit (ha) and looked down and my thighs were as thick as most peoples forearms. It was disgusting. My legs I mean, but yeah the shit was gross as well. My diet to keep weight on mainly consisted of eggs and cheesecake. I'd eat half a dozen scrambled eggs for breakfast, and I'd go through an entire cheesecake from cheesecake factory every few days. For a while I couldn't have visitors lest I get more sick, but we made an exception if they brought food. I ate so many eggs than later, when I saw a therapist for what they diagnosed as PTSD, one of the first things that tipped her off was that whenever I'd even see eggs I would become physically ill. Still love cheesecake though. That stuff is delicious.
I've always just eaten whatever the hell I wanted with no consequences; I'm like 'Nerds in that I have the metabolism of a hummingbird (even now, in my late 30's; and my mom would always say that I was going to have to watch my weight once I was past my 20s. Suck it, mom.). The downside of this is that putting ON weight is a major challenge. Remember how jacked I was when I got out of prison? That's all gone. It only took about 3 months of not power eating and taking protein supplements to lose THIRTY FUCKING POUNDS of muscle I worked so hard to put on. But I guess I could have worse problems.
Aww boo hoo, you’re all so svelte, it’s just so hard! I kid. my job has me walking five miles at the least, on three days of the week at the least (the Covid short-staffing has it up to about 10 miles a day). Add to that a shorter lunch, so I have to pack it. I started walking every day back in September, and now that we’ve moved and I have the new job, I walk at work and after work. I’ve dropped 25 pounds so far. For me it was a combination of large portions and stress. I still have trouble keeping portions small, because man, food is so good. But back in Nashville, my job was all consuming and I would just eat all of the frustration away. Every fast food place imaginable within a mile, and the promise of one hour to be away from coworkers. Now I work where I don’t take the job home with me, and I feel much more relaxed that I’m snacking a lot less.
I will say that Chuck’s Roadhouse has fucking amazing prime rib for stupid cheap. Otherwise, yeah, I concur.
Being half Italian and from the northeast US, pizza is a mandatory food group. In fact I’m sure that for a large portion of my childhood the only vegetable I ate was pizza/marinara sauce. And I’m sure none of that is in any way related to my weight issues. I blame that on my German ancestry.