Takes a lot of money to look like that in your seventies. Still, I can't disagree with the sentiment.
Sure does. I was looking through images of Helen Mirren and came across some article where she's quoted to say that she doesn't give a flying fuck about aging. She looks great and I am not saying she should just give up or whatever, but she totally gets at least SOME regular cosmetic procedures. She has not fully embraced aging, she just has the money to fight it the way she wants. Probably annual cheek fillers at the minimum.
I thought this was hilarious, my kid taking evasive action. We're at my brother-in-law's house just messing around, me on the dirt bike and kid on a powerwheels. BIL caught up to us with the drone and it tripped my kid out. I didn't even know the drone was there until I rode back to see what he was doing and it flew right over my head. My kid is all, like, what the fuck is that.
Sunday morning science, bitches. Huge fan (and Patreon) for SmarterEveryDay YT channel... and today I learned that when the electrolytic oxygen generation system on a nuclear sub goes down, they burn candles to make oxygen. I had no idea.
Nett probably already knows this, but the drop down oxygen masks on airliners use a chemical reaction similar as the oxygen candles in a canister over the passenger seats. They'll provide about 15 minutes of oxygen. The pilots are on a separate system that usually uses liquid oxygen. I think some newer systems for the pilots use compressed oxygen instead for reduced handling precautions, etc, but would have to look it up.
I didn’t know that. I always assumed there was some liquid oxygen system for the masks as well. I know pilots have their own supplies at hand though.
Mine self-rescue systems use a system that gets super hot, but it will stop you from suffocating. It feels like your face is on fire.
The description of the reaction on Wikipedia sounds pretty neat. It burns iron powder to generate heat so that a chlorate salt breaks down and releases more O2 than the burning iron is consuming.
Yeah... the video I posted was really interesting, which is why I shared it... it throws a lot of heat, and is a scary "Class D" (self-oxidizing) fire, so the worst kind to have on a nuclear sub, but basically they burn 2 big candles every 2 hours, one fore, one aft, and it keeps O2 in the sub at "life sustaining levels."
Just when I thought people couldn't get any dumber. https://twitter.com/TaylorLorenz/status/1363931122422272001
i heard yesterday from my family’s resident conspiracists that this was bill gate’s fault, that he sent the snow.
People down there seem to be some sort of “extra retarded” that transcends even cosmic law. I’d love to see somebody up here making a video showing sunburns aren’t real. They’d be stripped of their citizenship just on how embarrassing they are. Sometimes I hate the internet. In a functioning society people this dumb would NEVER have the self-esteem to even post something like that. Like incels, they should stop trying to have an “identity”, stay in the shadows and be ashamed of who they are.
it's one of two extremes in my experience, and events like this highlight it. Either you have people who just buckle up and redneck fix shit until it gets better, using more common sense and impromptu engineering skills than than the average person has any right to posses, or.... you have people like that who try to catch snow on fire. There was literally an issue with people taking their grills INSIDE, firing them up, and then being surprised when the place burned down (or dying of carbon monoxide poisoning, in some cases).
There's a reason that NASA had a whole contingent of "uneducated" farmers, etc, on staff... they were purpose-built problem solvers that could offer up suggestions that "educated" engineers wouldn't dream of. As much as education gives you knowledge, it also tends to get you to think along a certain path and in a certain direction.
That's awesome. I didn't know that. Literally just got off the phone with my doctor (covid recovery -- I'm still alive!!), spent half the time figuring out what the hell was still wrong with me, other half sharing ideas on what we did to fix shit on our ranches and homes when it went south during the snowpocalypse and how we'll improve next time. Word of mouth is great, and this is how you get smarter. There's the by-the-book way, and there's the way that works. Sometimes those two ways are the same. Sometimes they aren't. As long as nothing gets broken and it works, then it's the "right" way.
An alarming large chunk of the population doesn't seem to have any capacity for abstract thought. They can be trained to do things, even complex and difficult things, but they aren't really doing much more than following a recipe, and if anything goes wrong along the way they're completely unable to troubleshoot or improvise.
This is especially the case in software dev or IT type stuff. Some people seem only to be able to redo things that they've learned, but not really think outside of the box and come up with something new based on what they've learned, and others are just naturally "make shit up that works". It seems that every Russian I've ever worked with has had that McGuyver gene to them. Just hand them a box of shit and they'll build a lunar lander out of it. Others, hand them a lego kit without the instructions and they're lost.