I am an anxious person but did not recognize that for years. Part of it is hereditary (whose else's grandma received electro shock therapy for what was essentially an anxiety disorder back in the day?) but a big part of it was the culmination of my reaction to my parent's parenting style. I really think a lot of people aren't cognizant of what is happening to their brain, it's just a panic response they cannot break out of. I know it was that way for me. Sometimes just understanding that you're panicking is helpful. Recognize it, deep breath, mentally step back and try to look for a pattern or logic. Easier said than done, and super easy to get stuck in that mode. Anxiety gave me issues in college. Some courses were designed like "here's this metric fuckton of information, there's a test worth 25% on your grade in a week, professor MIA" and just froze my brain. The prospect of failure was like an axe over my head and I had a hard time focusing on anything but the axe. I like to be able to ask a lot of questions and get a good overview understanding. I actually love math, and finding patterns and problem solving is fascinating and fun, but the whole hurtling from one test to another was really opposite of what I needed to learn material. I got through it all, but succeeded in the biology department with smaller, more intimate classes rather than the nursing school which was designed to weed you out (and weeded I was). Recognizing that it's ok to not know everything about a system in detail before jumping in has helped me a lot. Knowing where the emergency releases for worst case scenarios is really the most important to me and allows me to fail with minimal risk.
That's pretty much exactly how IQ is measured by most tests. Pattern recognition and logic are the core of what we call science and mathematics. Emotional intelligence and creative intelligence are harder to measure. Many people are lacking in all three areas, and the US school system has not been aimed at nurturing any of them for some time.
I think one of the worst things a parent can do is demand perfection from their child. It absolutely destroys their coping skills, especially later in life where failure is necessary for growth. I thought this was an interesting TED talk about differences in parenting boys vs. girls, and it really seems true in my experience, in that girls tend to be less good at coping with failure because they either have no experience in it, or have never been told that it's okay.
Just watched that. I have to agree with the premise, in my experience and from what I saw of the girls/their parents in my middle school classes. I had a long paragraph typed up but this is the WDT and nobody wants to hear me describe my depressing childhood, but you are spot on with that thought. Waiting tables after college was a serious life lesson in bravery and like that lady in the Ted talk says, it's a shame I had to learn that lesson so late. More and more, I am grateful we waited to our early 30s to have a kid vs 20s. Not just for a general maturity reason, but for the ability to digest my own childhood and relationship dynamics and make conscious decisions on how to raise my own kid. That Girls Who Code program is really cool. I'm checking it out now for myself.
One of the more interesting things I've noticed at our company was how much more even the development teams are that have women represented. It's kind of fascinating now that I'm in an architecture position and have a better view of a project's overall delivery across teams. I don't know the reason for it, just that the overall consistency is better in those teams. They tend to have better, more reliable schedules and fewer code reworks. It's purely anecdotal, of course, but as a company we tend to shake up our teams regularly and have grown a lot, so it's been a decent sample size.
Although not quite on Nett’s level of trailer, we just got a sweet deal on this 2013 model: .... already paid for a year’s fees in Grand Bend, my favourite town in Ontario. We have a Drive-In theatre and two conservation areas nearby. This was as good as we could want.
I might be sick in the head, but, hey, I've never owned a convertible. Thinking about using some home equity that has suddenly appeared and getting one. A Great Loop trip would feel great right about now. If we put all our personal belongings out in the shop and put our house up as a vacation rental, it might not even cost us anything to circumnavigate the eastern half of the US. That is, if our house does as well as a friend's house. I don't see why it wouldn't do as well, we're in a more desirable location. Might could give some of you Canadians a wave as we pass through. The white one is in a better position to start in the right season. The blue one would be better off staying where it is until fall this year.
I have a perfect example of this. When I worked at my buddy's hardware store (After years of IT) I refused to work on the computers (Other than occasionally typing a few commands into the UNIX server when the whole system would go down, so we could remain open.) All our point of sale stations ran either XP or NT boxes and one of them went down, so they called in a computer tech. Which quickly became two computer techs scratching their heads and making calls. I finally wandered over out of curiosity to see what the problem was. The boot.ini was corrupted and they needed to get some information off the computer. "Why not boot from a floppy?" I suggested. I was told there was no way to boot NT or XP (I forget which system this one was) from a floppy. I grabbed a floppy, went to another system and copied the boot.ini onto the floppy. I then went into the BIOS and set the boot sequence to include the A; drive and voila! The system booted up. I left the two techs with all their certs to sit there and puzzle this wonderment I'd just magiced right before their eyes and helped someone navigate how to use a toggle bolt.
Still have to pitch it to the wife, but when she sees the interior of those two, that will make it easier.
Nearby, sorry. It’s a five minute drive away. It’s a total private campground, so there is no “weekenders” or air bnb’d permitted. It’s two minutes from the beach, dog-friendly and has a covered pool when it rains. Perfect.
Not swimming during lightning is. Lightning we get a lot of in the summer. Most (supervised) pools these days around here close if it’s raining at all just as an added precaution.