Yeah, in Canada we have a concept called "common law marriage". You do enough shit together, as a couple, for long enough, and the courts consider you married. I had to tell a friend of mine from the Netherlands who moved in with his girlfriend, lived with her for a year, then knocked her up that they were now considered common-law married, and she gets half his shit. This was done one drunken night at the bar and was absolutely hilarious as he went from "yeah, fuck you!" laughing, to looking confused, to being concerned, to brushing it off and drinking more, to calling me stone cold sober the next day with "holy fuck you're right". Ha! We still laugh our asses off over that night. He finds it funny now, but then he definitely looked like an animal caught in a leg trap.
And they just bought their first house together and are expecting their second kid, so it all ended up for the best. He was still shocked as a motherfucker, and viewed himself as the perpetual womanizing bachelor before he realized he was "trapped".
It's pretty much the same here in some states if you live together. In the case I posted, they maintained separate households. But he gave her a lot of money and gifts and she quit her job so now he owes her? That's just crazy to me.
Oh, I'm not saying it's justified in this case... but I can kind of see the point that they were going for. In this case I think the judge said "fuck it, you're loaded, you can afford to keep her up to the lifestyle she's used to." The US has a SHIT TON of divorce settlements that are way crazier than that one, so if you go with the "you were married" premise, it's not really that far off what you guys do.
It's always good to start early. I took my first computer class when I was 11. 1974. Computers back then were the size of a 4 bedroom house. I learned basic programing in Fortran. We'd write our programs on "Programming paper", send it off to the University of Idaho, where it was put on to punch cards, loaded into the computer and a couple weeks later you'd find out if your program ran. Years later that basic programming knowledge helped me figure out how to manipulate a UNIX environment without being taught.
Yeah, I've seen crazy settlements on both sides of the border. The UK has some too. Paul McCartney got absolutely shafted a few years back.
Along the whole "Spousal Support" line, I was talking to a friend last night and SHE told me how when she got divorced she was on the hook for alimony. All I could do is shake my head and WTF? What kind of guy demands that his ex wife support him? A guy with no self respect is all I can figure. I can't even imagine asking for such a thing. Some people apparently have no pride or shame.
Dishes should be completely dry before they go back in the cabinet, fool! Even residual moisture on the outside of something will do the same thing. Not an issue for someone that puts away dry dishes. I think your dish rotation method is more work than just storing things upside down. What are the other benefits to the rotation method that make the extra effort worth it?
A guy who noticed that most divorced men get ripped off, and decided to work the system before it worked him. But I will not defend alimony for anybody or anything. Alimony is not money earned or deserved. If the relationship failed, that’s because YOU failed and you deserve no reward for it. McCartney’s peg-legged cunt of an ex-wife is the living example, but then again The Beatles have always had bad taste in women. That is a fact.
Yoko is a true talent; you shut the fuck up. She must have one hell of a dick-suck for Lennon to let her to destroy the band.
Word. Fuck John Lennon. Biggest pussy who ever lived. Let me play you a clip. A clip of John Lennon getting to play with Chuck Berry— his hero. The man who inspired John Lennon to pick up a guitar and write songs. They’re playing his favourite song “Memphis” and guess who decides on live TV that she’s being thrown shade? Just fucking watch. If you can... ...she must have done things to his cock that would make Katherine Trammell look like your hand. There is simply no logical answer here. He probably made out with hookers.
It's actually quite simple: She could take a punch. Lennon was a peacenik wife beater. Yoko liked getting beat.
I can defend it; there are families in which one spouse, usually the wife, gives up her career to have kids, take care of kids and home for 20 years, then the marriage breaks up and that spouse has minimal earnings potential. The other spouse, in the meantime, has built their career for 20 years or more while the stay at home spouse, now maybe 40 or 50 years old, is trying to create a career out of a degree they got decades ago.
Because regardless of whether you store them right side up, or upside down, unless you're using ALL of your dishes in one sitting, you essentially keep using the same 2, 3, 4 dishes over and over, so those unused ones will still collect dust, grease residue, whatever else is floating around in the kitchen. If you put the clean dishes on the bottom, you're running a perpetual cycle of using clean dishes each time. It's the usage rate, not the storage method that matters.
“Gave up their careers to have kids?“ Who, like Phoebe Cates, and assholes who homeschool their children? You should not have given up your career to have kids. Most of us do both. Because one income doesn’t support most households nowadays. I do NOT feel sorry for people making stupid life decisions — as if being a parent is a full-time job itself. I don’t feel sorry for people with with laziness or attachment issues who can’t both work and have kids. It might be hard, but so is life. Daycare, nannies and schools exist for a reason.
Like many women, who, with the agreement and encouragement of their husbands, stay home. It’s not an unusual situation. If you’re saying that the stay at home spouse made a stupid decision, then so did the working spouse in going along with or encouraging their spouse to stay home. You seem pretty militant about this, did you get burned for a lot of alimony?