The problem with us hot sleepers though is the heat between our bodies and the mattress- especially if you have memory foam.
Not just that but they don’t regulate. A fan will blow air on your 24/7. A ChiliPad has a thermostat and will adjust hot and cold so your temp remains stable.
Yep. Back when I was racing I used to run some races in California... and I just DO NOT like the heat. Never mind heat with a 3-layer fire suit on. And a helmet. Needless to say after the first race I invested in one of these: Basically fill it with a fluid, and then drop frozen bottles of water into it to keep it cold. No thermostat or anything, just a flow adjustment. I have to say that on a couple of hot nights when I was living in a place without AC I wore that thing to bed, and it was fucking awesome.
Yeah if you consider California hot then Texas would kill you. These past few weeks the highs have been over 100 and the humidity has been “step outside and you immediately need a shower” territory. It’s worth it for the *winters* though.
I think this is an old meme so sorry if it's already been posted, but damn, that is so adorable. Dude has to be part frog or something. How is that chin/neck even possible? Ready for war indeed.
The weak chin-fatties always grow the goatee to hide it. Not that dude. His jaw and neck are the same thing, you could screen an IMAX film on that....that whatever the fuck it is. The military uniform is the best thing. Like this guy was running The Crucible or out in The Shit just last week. I’m sure he was a green beret before they kicked him out for being too much of a badass.
Sometimes you look at a person who gets really into the bigotry scene and think "Hmmm... what would make that person lash out at the world and need a group to blame his problems on?" Not with that guy. It's immediately apparent why he's such a miserable fuck.
Definition of a "Tough old broad"...grandmother strangles rabid bobcat. “It caught me slightly on my face, but I got him before he could do much damage there. I took it straight to the ground and started inching my hands up to its throat. I knew that was the only way I was getting out of this,” she recalled. Awesome.