There are as many billion dollar IPOs now as there were at the peak of the dot com bubble. Uber’s prospectus explicitly states that “Uber may never be profitable”. First off, why would they stay that. Secondly, so the end game is insolvency? It’s an app, that’s it. It’s not building infrastructure like Amazon. There is zero barrier to entry. I don’t get this fucking market anymore....
They were probably legally required to say that. I imagine that the whole point of the IPO is for the venture capitalists to cash out by unloading their shares to their friends the hedge fund managers and letting Joe Sixpack's 401k take the brunt of the eventual bankruptcy. Uber's only real asset is brand recognition, and their two main sources of revenue are regulatory nightmares. How long until someone gets food poisoning and sues Uber Eats or DoorDash for not maintaining proper temperature holds?
Shit yeah, I'm think we're going to order one also. We have the big ass cantilever style which is cool but the base isn't under the table so it ends up being in the way.
Uber has lost $10 BILLION dollars since its inception, 10x that of Amazon in a much longer timeframe. Amazon invested in infrastructure. Uber invested in marketing and operating at a loss to gain market share. I’d buy puts on them but I foresee this ruse going on for another half decade or so.
In Austin, go to P Terry's instead of In-n-Out. Same concept, but better food. No comment on the homeless.
Yeah, I just repped him that umbrella tech has advanced. Would have preferred that one over the one I bought 2 years ago.
P.Terry's is hands down the best fast food burger I've ever tasted. Nothing comes even close. I spent a year at St. Edward's in 2006, 2007 something like that and there was never one within drunk walking distance. Now they have one a few blocks away which pisses me right off. I go to Austin about once a month for work and it doesn't matter if I'm hungry or not, or what time it is, I ALWAYS stop by P.Terry's for a burger. Leslie was awesome. If I remember correctly didn't someone beat him up and that's how he died? Leslie is who all homeless people should strive to be.
He got beat up around 2009 and it contributed to his death. For reference, Leslie Cochran was a homeless man that had breast implants and ran for mayor three times.
He actually had a well thought-out platform if I remember correctly. First time I met him he was holding court while swimming in an inflatable kiddie pool on a 6th Street sidewalk, wearing a woman's thong, high heels and smoking a cigarette. Nice guy actually. Don't wanna know where he got the water to fill that thing up.