One of my devs sent me a few bottles of Shelter Point. It's insanely good whiskey. I may have had a few snorts of it while watching a 2 hour webinar on the fun subject of "automated tested".
It's a fucking shame we dont have geographical standards for our regional products like Europe does. I saw Texas Bourbon the other week... Texas Bourbon? Go fuck yourself. Im drinking Don Julio. Im trying to find a tequila that doesnt give nasty headaches.
Brewed botanical tonic, chaga mushrooms and blueberries. Tastes like a west coast IPA fucked a stout. Boreal Botanical out of Canada. Turns out the land of the glorious healthcare can also brew the shit out of some healthy drinks.
“Does your life still suck? Then have another one.” — actual Strong Zero marketing campaign. It’s strong shit! 3 will fuck you up.
That's what paper bags are for. (Do they still make those big grocery bags?) Fun Fact: I once fucked a girl with a bag over her head. She had the hiccups and I convinced her a bag over her head and exertion would cure them. I was 18 or so and had a van. With a big fake fur bed in the back. Ah, the 80's. I honestly can't remember if it cured her hiccups or not.
9% alcohol yeah, that right there will get you thlurring your thpeech in no time. No sugar makes it awfully tempting, are they available over here? I haven’t got correctly wasted in a long time.
When I was in Thailand I saw a commercial on the English language channel for "Knock Out! Strong punch beer!" We need commercials like that for Mad Dog and Thunderbird, although I doubt TV ads aimed at street alcoholics would reach their desired demographic.
‘Kay, Time-out. You have piqued my interest and I’m detaining you. We’re diving deeper here. Not the sex part, the van. If you had a fake fur bed in the back, that isn’t ALL that you had. I want to know if you ALSO had: 1) A painted mural on the side. Hopefully a naked succumbed brandishing a Damascus sword. 2) Upgraded speakers to deliver maximum “punch”. With shag for bonus points. 3) Where was the strobe light and/or booze compartment located? 4) Did older women look at you like you were a pervert for driving a van (Let’s face facts ..snicker...You DID have a bed in the back you fucked chicks in)? 5) What line of van was it? This I have to know.
How exactly do you give a commercial tag line for booze like that? “Thunderbird.... it’s what the bums drink!”
So many questions.... It was a 1963 Ford Econoline window van. I put reflective mirror film over the windows so no one could see inside. I was a poor redneck and couldn't afford a cool panel van and thus, no mural. It was painted a bluish, purple though. Upgraded stereo? Well, it was upgraded as much as the late 70's/early 80's would allow....under dash 8 track and a couple of Jensen Tri-axels in the back. No strobe light. Booze was kept in a Coleman cooler. Older women looked at me with lust in their eyes I'm sure of it. Father's with daughters, they didn't like me at all.
I don't think they're available in the US or Canada. At least I've never seen them. They're the kind of drink that is so drinkable that you take them down way faster than you think you could (each 9%'er @ 500ml is basically the equivalent to a half bottle of wine, 3/4 if you get a 12%er). So, you'll finish one, and still be super normal, so it whispers to you "You're a big boy, you can have another, don't worry about it". So you do. Now you're a bottle of wine in and it's been about 30 minutes. It's juuuuuust starting to hit you, and you're stupid, so you listen to it again, grab a 3rd. This one is probably gonna last you a bit more because shit starts to fill a sack with bricks and beat you. Also, they give you a murderous hangover.
Man, they really fucked up the spelling of "West Virginia". Stupid autocorrect. Jesus. (Vomits blood) (Memory of pic persists) (dry heaves) about this whole "alcohol makes you forget" thing..... In Austin for the weekend. Aside from 6th street, what should I eat/see/do? I'm already struggling with eating so much brisket it feels like I am cheating on ribs.
haven’t been to Austin since the pandemic so I’m not sure what’s open, but the last few years 6th street has just become infested with tourists to the point of being a mockery of its old self. Check out Rainey street instead. Also just going down south Congress, you can rent one of those scooters and pretty much find any restaurant that looks interesting. If you want to get away from people, go to the parks. Rent kayaks or something on the river.
On the red wine topic, Juggernaut is a brand I just discovered that has an incredible Cabernet Sauvignon and Pinot Noir. Wife and I split the Pinot last night and it was great. Also seems tough to come by. The wine guy at our local store said he got 5 cases and that'll be it for this year. Not that it makes any difference in the wine, but they've got cool labels, too.
Just put the brisket on the smoker and am going to do my best to relax and watch temps rise on the probes. Sounds like a good plan for the day to me.
the first time you hit the stall is a real gut punch. Just pour another drink and wait it out. Or crank up the heat and power through it, your choice.