Question for the board: my sister in law is trying to get pregnant. She’s insistent that my brother in law be allowed, if not encouraged to tell her at a certain point after she has the baby that, for lack of a better way of phrasing it, “it’s time to hit the gym.” That if she keeps the baby weight on for too long there’s a point where she wants to know if she’s “too fat.” I told them that if he says anything about it at any point, that’s a death sentence for him. She says 6 months after she’s all healed up. She’s never had a baby before and clearly doesn’t understand how hearing that while dealing with PPD could destroy her. My wife said 3 months is ok because I think she wants to see her brother be physically assaulted. Is there ever a point? Like even in marriage? I said I think if you’re married and your significant other has gained so much weight that it becomes an obvious health issue, it’s ok to politely and TACTFULLY imply y’all should start exercising together. But be prepared to have that tactful comment thrown in your face until the end of time as well.
I tell my wife and she also tells me that if we ever get in the vicinity of our weight from about 3 years ago, we need to call that shit out. It’s a team effort. If she starts displaying really bad eating habits, I call it out. It’s not like we wait for a certain number on the scale and then have a talk. If she gains a bunch of baby weight and has trouble losing it but is making a respectable effort and he is also working hard to help her by also making good food choices, he shouldn’t say shit. But if he’s eating right and she’s downing bags of hot Cheetos, he can say something.
Since the COVID thread is serious, I'll post this here: I joined a private Facebook group on the pandemic subject, because it's run by a female high school acquaintance I'd kind of like to hook up with next time she's in town. She's been posting a lot of 5G craziness, and now she's onto posting Jenna Jameson's signal boosts of QAnon bullshit. God fuck...
Yeah, it’s better to approach it from a matter of health than calling her fat. My wife had severe preeclampsia and this with another condition, made her gain a lot of weight during pregnancy. She still had extreme blood pressure 6 months after. I approached the issue once that stabilized and told her that we both needed to lose some. Then again he could take another angle and try to make her a size queen.
I don’t know what a signal boost is but the resident antivaxxer put a call out to her brethren on Facebook wanting to know if Bill Gates was the spawn of satan or not. The resident flat earther on my feed, first guy we ever bought weed from in high school, chimed in and told her to listen to a two and a half hour David Icke interview on it. He legitimately has schizoaffective disorder. She’s just fucking retarded. She’s big into 5g giving you cancer.
I’ve had ups and downs with weight but if my partner is working out and eating right, I’m likely doing the same. There was a period a couple of years ago where husband was packing on pounds and I was starting to do the same. I asked him how he was feeling about himself to open up the conversation to what we both could be doing better. It’s about how you say “you’re getting too fat to fuck” that really matters.
Also, just so everyone knows- I’ve been notified that the Jehovah’s Witness organization is claiming god’s work is done and this Coronavirus is the beginning of Armageddon. I was advised to move quickly if I was to have a chance at being saved. Just passing that on in case any of y’all idiots want on that particular wagon.
Last night SNL was not in front of an audience, because nature is trying to kill us for eating it apparently. It was interesting to see how they pulled it off with everyone being in quarantine. A lot of zoom stuff which was surprisingly good. Some pre-recorded and edited bits like the music video below. I thought it really worked.
Yep, my mom is preaching that crazy around here also. "Bible prophecy is being fulfilled right before us!"
Found the hog I got with my 308 a few days ago. Not 20 feet from where I shot him, laying next to a tree in some extremely thick brush. Quite a bit larger than expected and I knew he was gonna be a big boy. His proportions are roughly the same as our miniature horses, just shorter legs and bigger body. Same length/height though. Weight estimate at 350-400 lbs Spoiler: picture is big
I wonder how many screenplays and Great American novels are being written during these shut-in times. Hell, George Martin might be able to write the ending to his series that HBO trampled into shit chowder.
Since I’m off til God knows when, I’ve been working on finishing up something I’ve been writing for a couple years now. It’s actually out to beta-readers and I have to get cover art done. Then I’ll be publishing it. As for George Martin, screw him. He’s had plenty of time to finish the books. I don’t even care anymore.
It's Easter, which means it's deviled egg season. I made a whole plate. About to get real farty up in here.
Unless he posts that The Winds of Winter is complete, I'm waiting for Martin to die and someone else to finish that book and A Dream of Spring.