Metal just doesn't do it for me. I'm a country fan with a wide listening net, but female singers always catch my ear. That is the best cover of a Fleetwood Mac song I've heard (including Dixie Chicks' "Landslide"). Might be the best cover I've heard period.
Go watch some of his vblog stuff where he travels and hangs out with other musicians... he's got some quality content, for sure.
I would love to get back into playing acoustic, especially finger picking.'s been 20-25 years since I did finger picking and I'm not sure if I have the patience to relearn it. That being said, one of my greatest joys while living in Mississippi was to build a bon fire in the field and just sit on my tailgate with some cold beers and play my acoustic. Man that was heaven.
Really, what he was doing was pretty simplistic... he just had a killer sounding 12-string. She was doing much, much harder acoustic (and I love her voice... interesting mix of tone and accent that really works). Again, the dude is not the best ever, but he is incredibly talented and I could watch him play all night long.
Yeah I don’t give two shits about him. I understand that type of music is for some people, but... it just doesn’t do it for me. Like eating raw tomatoes. Or driving a Chevy. Does not compute. The girl though, her voice is incredible and I’d buy any album she made in a heartbeat.
I'm not a huge fan of that genre of music either, but the dude is entertaining and I enjoy the "metal covers" he does.
Hilarious... I just got a DCMA takedown notice for an old Kathy Ireland bikini photo that was posted here some 5 years ago. Yay lawyers!
for some reason someone on Pinterest hot-linked the image from here, and then some bot found it on Pinterest and made it's way back here. So yeah, the only real way to REALLY fuck me over is to go and spam your Pinterest account with hot links back to here... enjoy!
I am going to have fun after my coffee break. We have an engineer from the company we bought a bunch of equipment off of on site trying to get the POS's actually working right. Well the other day he came to me looking for a spare part after a few minutes of looking I figured we didn't have it and he went on his way. Well this morning he came to by boss with a diagram off our off site storage with where it should be, we have a list of everything up there and it is not there. Only way he could of come up with the diagram is that my bosses boss gave it to him, so if he knows something we don't he should be the one escorting him up there. But no I have to waste my time for nothing, so I am arranging every single thing I can do in town while I am escorting him. He is going to waste my time I am going to waste his. My boss is just laughing and smiling.
I'm imagining someone putting the top bun on and pressing down, and hearing a quiet pop before a bunch of yellowish white goo drips down over the patty. No thanks.
Why would you put a pet on a burger? I don't know? Because people are evil? However I read the menu and I don't see it. So I think it's not accurate.
Pet? Pets provide companionship, cuddle with you, bark at intruders, play fetch or generally improve your life. Spiders are horrible creatures and making them larger and hairier does not elevate them to pet. It also does not lower them to food. They are something to be stomped on. Nothing more, nothing less.